After helping afriend of mine with his mini i was starting to notice that the A series engines were not particulaly reliable and power was expensive, so i looked more in to the 16v options!
Meanwhile the mini was falling apart, if not i was ripping it apart(hours of fun Razz )
Once fully naked I had the shell shotblastede and etch primed then welded and resprayed in Ferrari gialofly yellow, looks amaizing and its not even polished or buffed up yet!

New rear subframe was fitted along with gaz shocks, hi-lo's and coil springs! Needed to make a decision as to what engine and subframe to use!
I choose the honda b16a2 and the alspeed subframe as i wanted to main tain some mini originality (although its not turnign out that way) Laughing

Again i stripped the engine(not the internals) and set to work on cleaning her up and painting!
vvvv As the engine curently sits in my garage vvvvvvv

Also fited the front subframe, shocks, brakes, etc!
And this is her now! ( the subframe is designed to fit in a standard length roundnose!

I will update as often as i can!