Hurray its Sunny!!!!!
Well today was spent sightseeing in Verona.
We wandered round some of the site doing the tourist thing.
A famous bridge in Verona (Ponte di Castelvecchio)
Look what top im wearing!!!! :grin:
We then went round the Colesium (spelling?):
We also climbed up a hill and took some great photos looking down on Verona:
(Wow what a great picture - I wonder who took it? (Benny: You will like that one)
Then sat in a restaurant overlooking the main square and had some nice food and a cold beer, mmmm nice.
Just off now to an Icecream shop to have yummy icecream! We will take a pic and post it tomorrow.
Oh and ive developed a theory,: 1 out of 2 Italian cars is dented or scratched!, hmmm.