Glad you have enjoyed using it Oli, I noticed you had to use a second silencer ?? How noisy was it?
Any plans to use it at cadwell in febuary?
Hi Mark thanks for that, had a good time in it like you say.I moved to york about september/october time and was told by a friend who works for environmental health that there is a strict noise limit at elvington, however when i looked into it was told the static test was 102db at 1m and 90 db drive by at 40m(no idea what engine revs that was supposed to be at for the static test either, i took it to be 3/4 of flat out but on the day i was only asked to take it to 5000) but i think some other tracks are a lot stricter than that i beleive croft is 98db static.
Anyway with all that confusion i thought it better safe than sorry so popped it across to z's to have the bolt on silencer made, the guys did a fantastic job and had i done the day after i dropped it off! Think it was a shade over £200 for the whole lot, its all stainless tig welded, all custom made brackets in painted black, a captive bracket under the rear bumper which cant be seen from above and all it needs is 1x13mm nut and a clamp to hold it on-takes 1 min literally to fit, when we did a quick test at z's with it on we got 88dbs at 7500 rpm at 1m so im well happy with that, it was very quiet from the outside!
Would love to go to cadwell have agonised over it, but i would need a trailer and set of wheels with slicks and i just cant afford it at the mo so unless a miracle happens prob not, although i might have to come and watch
At the moment am considering what direction to go with the car at the moment,would pain me to sell it but cant help wondering what i would get for it, even considering another project but then again i can be really indecisive!