I have thought about trying to create my own cruise control system a few times and from what I can see, the electronics needed are very basic.
You need a pulsed signal for either the road or engine speed, as all the cruise control is trying to do is keep either of them constant (in a manual, road speed for an auto). Convert this signal to a voltage, you can then compare this voltage to another voltage the drive has set (using a pot, or more likely a electronic resistor you can change the value of with buttons), then apply/reduce the accelerator depending on the voltage difference.
Only fun bit I can see is to connect the electronics to the throttle. I was thinking something like a servo from a model plane, but I don't know how powerful they are. You want something powerful enough to be able to move the throttle, yet robust enough not get damaged if you were to press the accelerator while the unit was in action (to overtake for instance).
If anyone has any ideas on a suitable motor and a method to connect it to the throttle cable/pedal or carb linkage then I may also have ago at creating cruise control in my mini! If anything works I will of course post the results