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What Mini Do you Drive?

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#1381 GreenBrain


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Posted 23 January 2011 - 02:38 PM

Here's a pic of the beast:

Attached File  Buzby3.jpg   61.88K   21 downloads

#1382 Scallywag630


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Posted 23 January 2011 - 02:45 PM

First question: where is the engine number?! I can see a large embossed number near the top of the engine "WFM 1024 NW" but I can't see anything anywhere that looks like a proper engine no. I want to check what this engine really is.

Also, at the risk of starting the dreaded oil thread, what should I be using? The previous owner left a bottle of fully synthetic 0w30 in the car, but I'm sure that's wrong!

Hi Folks. I'm Barry and I live in Taunton, UK. I've just bought my first Mini, which I believe started life as a 1992 Mini Mayfair, but now has a very nice waspish yellow and black paint job, wide wheels, Subaru racing seats, 1275 SPi upgrade etc. First spotted last year at a Castle Coombe track day, but I don't know who owned it or exactly what has been done. I will have lots of questions since I'm a complete beginnner. But I'm already planning to do the Riviera Run in Newquay at the end of April - anyone else going?

Engine number should be on a plate rivited to the front of the block under No 1 spark plug.

Oil should be 20W50 Mineral not synthetic.

#1383 davet25


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Posted 23 January 2011 - 07:38 PM

Here's a pic of the beast:

Attached File  Buzby3.jpg   61.88K   21 downloads

hey nice looking mini

#1384 fran and the furious

fran and the furious

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Posted 24 January 2011 - 01:04 PM

Hi all. I am from Spain and I will drive (whe I finish my restoration) an Authi Mini 850 DeLuxe with a 1000cc engine. :)

#1385 GreenBrain


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Posted 24 January 2011 - 01:57 PM

Engine number should be on a plate rivited to the front of the block under No 1 spark plug. Oil should be 20W50 Mineral not synthetic.

That's interesting - now I know where to look I can see two rivets but no plate, it's been removed! Suggesting a stolen engine?

Is there any other place I might find a number? Or failing that any other way of telling which engine I have? The registration document says 998 but the seller thought it was 1275. Any way to tell?

What should the tyre pressures be, this is for stock 165/70-10 Yokohamas?

#1386 fran and the furious

fran and the furious

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Posted 24 January 2011 - 02:19 PM

GreenBrain, the engine has a plate on the back side with the capacity.

#1387 tommy1275auto


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Posted 26 January 2011 - 11:31 AM

What mini do you drive and are there any mods done to it ?
Also what are your plans >_< !

hi its a 96 mayfair automatic all original no rust[ha ha] with 6500 miles on board just bought before xmas after selling a cooper sport 00 last year and couldnt shake the disease that are minis,

#1388 Stretchthemini


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Posted 31 January 2011 - 12:34 PM

Return of STRETCH THE MINI !!!!!!

Hi Everyone

I've been looking back through the years and it looks as if the previous owner of my Stretched Mini Limo was a member here too...........

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#1389 Slainesa0


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Posted 31 January 2011 - 12:51 PM

currently i'm driving a morris 1000 that i want to performance mod but i had 2 1100 specials and a 1275 gt taken to 1330 and a 1275e that caught fire and i didn't bother putting it out because it burned better than it drove :o

#1390 minimoke1


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Posted 31 January 2011 - 01:17 PM

as the name suggest i drive a mini moke (aussie) which as they all are is a rolling project already done the the front brakes disc conversion and all the suspesion on all four corners and i'm in the middle of an engine and gearbox swop 998 to 1380 fully balanced and some lightening too with twin 1 1/4 su's should go a little better.

#1391 pollyplop


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Posted 03 February 2011 - 08:22 PM

Myself and my son have just purchased a 1997 Mini Cooper MPI
Bodywork OK, engine and interior needs attention.

#1392 alex


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Posted 04 February 2011 - 10:57 PM

Mine was a mini Sprite origionally. Ive changed so much now though i dont know if it still counts as one!

It was on a Welsh TV Soap that sometimes plays on sky. It was the village nurses car or somrthing. Think they "upgraded" her to oa fiat 500...
Anyway, its white and has a huge red dragon on the roof and the tail comes down the back window. Its not like the Welsh flag dragon ive seen on some others. Its unique to ME! Ive changed the wheals from steels and put a slightly over the top exhaust on it, but honestly im an atension seeker and i like people to look when i drive past them!

The engine is standard, even though Im 22 (and a female) and could aford the extra insurance i like my little 1275. Maybe in the future...

My plans at the moment are: i like the wide and low look at the moment, i have standard black plastic arches at the moment, id like something a little sporty-er and the Hi-Lows are going on as we speek! Most of the things on my to do list, i expect like many mini owners, is just a list of things to fix before summer!!

Edited by alex, 04 February 2011 - 11:03 PM.

#1393 Angelagriffin


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Posted 07 February 2011 - 01:54 PM

I have a mini neon(1991), i have just bought it for £500. It needs loads of work doing to it and cant wait to get started. It came with a spare engine, new lights and silver trim. The kid wanted the money quick and needed it out the way, i think i have got a good deal.

#1394 Roachmeat


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Posted 10 February 2011 - 03:08 PM

What mini do you drive and are there any mods done to it ?
Also what are your plans :D !

Well this is my first Mini, its a 67. Great looking little car, but is bare bones. I mean bare bones, like only the shell. So Ive got lots of work. But Ive got plans, to put a vtec in it, haven't decided on which engine but that will come. So any help or words of wisdom will be much appreciated. Thanks

#1395 endo850cc


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Posted 10 February 2011 - 10:39 PM

What mini do you drive and are there any mods done to it ?
Also what are your plans :thumbsup: !

well its not driving at the moment ,1980 mini 850cc,started the strip down two months ago,mister rust took hold,text book doors,cills,floor pans ,boot ,rear subframe,and loads of sneaky spots. a new shell would be the easy option.have to think about mods ,will keep colour its a toyota red ,old english white roof ,sort the body out first then ponder the engine. then again might keep it standard nice an economical.....on the subject of subframes genuine or not ! whats the better option in long run. will put pics up later on diff comp.

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