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What Mini Do you Drive?

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#1081 canoesailor


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Posted 17 October 2009 - 04:19 PM

What mini do you drive and are there any mods done to it ?
Also what are your plans :D !

I have a Mini Moke its my third since 1971, it's on its second engine after the first had a hole knocked in the sump and seized before my wife could realised what had happened.

I'm restoring the current one, there's no rot (this version was galvanised) but it needs a respray, new seats and the hood tidying.

John T

#1082 mammajamma


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 06:19 PM

Hi, I drive a 2003 Black MINI Cooper.
I have had it for one year and love it!
I hope to have it for the rest of my life or give it to my daughter and buy an S!
The MINI's name is "Fritz" which is German for Fredrick. (The quiet ruler) which drives my sons crazy because no matter what they do to their cars mine will always be better >_<

My future plans are maintenance, maintenance, maintenance.
I am looking at needing to replace the control arm bushings (which I hope to install performance ones), winter tires and an oil pan gasket.

Today however, my coolant is giving me some issues. I am in need of advice on what is best for my Fritz.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

#1083 Davecox and Patsy

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Posted 18 October 2009 - 08:13 PM

Hi newbie here davecox from merseyside, and Patsy my mini. C reg mini city, owned it for the past 5 years bought as a std 1000. Have mde a few body mods in the last 12 months (see pics) not sure how to add pics yet DOH!!!! I'll have to read the help and get back to you..Found it that was easy hope you like the pics. Have plans to still fir independant trailing rear arms to loss weight and am about to take the front off again to flip the front, so can change it from mini to clubby if the mood takes me. once sorted will set to pannelling the sides and finishing it off.

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#1084 MiniFra


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Posted 19 October 2009 - 08:59 PM

I have 2 MINIs being both Cabriolet 1995 SPi. One has 39.999km blue color with green roof. the other one is also blue but darker and blue roof as well.
One has a misfiring and after changing sensor manifold, the relay module, the flywheel sensor, the misfiring is still there. Possible be the ECU? Any help is appreciated.

#1085 Jacques124


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Posted 21 October 2009 - 09:31 PM

i have an austin mini 1000 city e 1983 with 93000. I have not done anything to it and just kept it how i brought it. :-

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#1086 tonrag


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Posted 23 October 2009 - 03:17 PM

Hi, I'm Tonrag, from Bangalore, India. I've just bought a 1962 Mini Traveler. My other cars are a 1933 Austin, a 1946 MG TC, a 1950 Morris Minor and a 1964 Hindustan Ambassador. I have no experience with a Mini, though I always wanted one. I hope to attend to a few things required to make my car roadworthy and then enjoy driving it. I look forward to learning a lot from the members of this forum. Here's are a couple of pictures of my car.

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#1087 Teapot


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Posted 23 October 2009 - 03:44 PM

Hi Tonrag. What a fascinating family of cars you have. Perhaps you would like to introduce yourself in the new members' section and add some pictures of the rest of your collection.

#1088 Retro_1985


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Posted 24 October 2009 - 04:10 PM

i currently own and drive everyday a 1974 morris mini 1000 .... bought off ebay for £590 in a sorry state, spent £300 getting her moted and road worthy, spent the last 2 years slowly restoring her bit by bit, nearly lost her last december when i got rear ended at a roundabout, but 4 months of shouting at insurance companies got her back on the road... currently fitting a 1976 1275GT engine in her as her orginal 998 has given up the ghost, i dont think doing 150 miles a day for 5 months did her much good, but i refuse to let this mini go to the scrapyard in the sky :gimme:

#1089 onlymeandmymini


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Posted 29 October 2009 - 08:09 PM

Hi, I'm steve, new on the forum. Drive a 1982 mini city, was green, now MG trophy blue/white roof was a 998 but it died in september :lol: but now it has a shiny 1340 stage3! =] sounds sooo nice now! stait through centre exhaust! full cream cobra interior, but radio not wired up yet.

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#1090 minisilverbullet


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Posted 31 October 2009 - 03:18 PM

Joined the Forum yesterday, Im a Scot living in Sweden.

Driving a 96 SPI in Silver, Its a special edition "silver bullet" originally made for the german market.

Original sports pack arches, black full leather interior, walnut dash and my favorite part the walnut steering wheel, oh yeah its only done 30,000 miles.

So far just small mods, clear indicators front and side, which actually had a massive impct against the silver paint. have also put 2 fogs and 2 driving lights on the front, the bar they are fitted on is a bit low quality ( it vibrates like hell) but fixed that with some boy racer front splitter steadys attatched to the back of the lamps and the grill, looks nice.

I have a pipercross filter to pop on and i will start clening up the engine bay a little, the pics on here are great but not too many examples of spis or mpis, seems a little harder: my engine seems a little cramped.

reseraching engine upgrades - maybe drive back to the UK for this in the spring, maybe spend about 3 grand on it, so any advice on where and what?



#1091 minisilverbullet


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Posted 31 October 2009 - 03:29 PM

Joined the Forum yesterday, Im a Scot living in Sweden.

Driving a 96 SPI in Silver, Its a special edition "silver bullet" originally made for the german market.

Original sports pack arches, black full leather interior, walnut dash and my favorite part the walnut steering wheel, oh yeah its only done 30,000 miles.

So far just small mods, clear indicators front and side, which actually had a massive impct against the silver paint. have also put 2 fogs and 2 driving lights on the front, the bar they are fitted on is a bit low quality ( it vibrates like hell) but fixed that with some boy racer front splitter steadys attatched to the back of the lamps and the grill, looks nice.

I have a pipercross filter to pop on and i will start clening up the engine bay a little, the pics on here are great but not too many examples of spis or mpis, seems a little harder: my engine seems a little cramped.

reseraching engine upgrades - maybe drive back to the UK for this in the spring, maybe spend about 3 grand on it, so any advice on where and what?



some pics

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#1092 G'S1300ROVER


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Posted 31 October 2009 - 05:52 PM

Hi hows it going? Im Matt. Just picked up a 1996 1300 rover. First MINI. Looking forward to getting my hands dirty with it.

#1093 84MiniMayfairAlex


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Posted 01 November 2009 - 11:23 PM

Hey Im Alex, Joined A Couple Of Days Ago,

Looking For Someone To Photoshop My Mini?

P.M Me For More Pics

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#1094 dick.tracy


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Posted 03 November 2009 - 05:57 PM

Hi all, my name is *willy*, and Tracy is my wife (hence the username!) We have owned a 1990 BRG Cooper RSP with "S
" pack since 1998.
It has been off the road for 3 years now since something inside the gearbox decided to escape, taking the drive and all the oil with it.

The time has now come to make all right again, starting with the purchase of a heritage shell with doors bonnet and boot - now the hard work starts!

Edit - I can't believe the forum has censored my name!!!!!!!

Edited by dick.tracy, 03 November 2009 - 05:58 PM.

#1095 mimi the mini

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Posted 03 November 2009 - 06:18 PM

95 Sprite :D

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