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What Mini Do you Drive?

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#826 saxofnist


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Posted 08 November 2008 - 04:04 AM

1980 Mini Austin 1000cc.
Discovered about converting to run on Brown's gas and am currently building 6th prototype. :D

Browns gas is made from water and can increase all aspects of engine. mileage and power.
I have it ported directly into the throat of my Weber carburetor and iwth the gas it goes like stink and runs ALOT smoother.

Ask me for information on these cells that i produce and sell.

#827 mini-craze


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Posted 09 November 2008 - 08:04 PM

[codebox]C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\My Documents\Cars\mini ... mine.jpg[/codebox]helo =] i drive a mini sprite 1993 1275cc and no i have no modifications, but i realy woul like some but have no idea where to get a set of alloys from that dont make me bankrupt and the arches i cant find either, also what else would i need to fit hem.
C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\My Documents\Cars\mini ... mine.jpg
this is what i would love for it to look like
C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\My Documents\My Pictures\minis\red_large.jpg

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#828 maximusbonk


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 11:05 PM

Brought a 1987 Mary Quant on e-bay one night whilst partially drunk. Don't regret it but 18 months later I've so far got it through one MOT (despite the garages best efforts to get me to just give it up!) and replaced the front panel.

Plans include:

Getting rid of the knocking noise coming from one of the outer CV joints!
Much much much more welding!
Just keeping it on the road in the meantime!

The bloke at the garage was priceless - quoted £500 for MOT repairs. Did them myself for less than £100. He had the cheek to tell me that he hoped he wouldn't see the car again next year. It's going back every year from now on :-

#829 yeti21586


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Posted 11 November 2008 - 11:07 PM

This is the most recent pic I have of my daily drive - 1988 City E (but with a sprite engine) taken at Stanford Hall last year..

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I have owned her since Sept '02 and she's changed quite a bit in that time! An engine make-over is next on the to-do list...

were did u get that grill from and whats it called???? i wont it but not in blue!!!!


Edited by yeti21586, 11 November 2008 - 11:20 PM.

#830 yeti21586


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Posted 11 November 2008 - 11:19 PM

Hi im new to this site and to the mini scene
i drive a 1979 mini 1100 special called Vini

its got 7x13 alley cats (that i hate)
a play mini "wheel barrow" twin exit exhaust
and thats it at the moment


Edited by yeti21586, 11 November 2008 - 11:19 PM.

#831 clubmanboy


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Posted 13 November 2008 - 05:21 PM

I drive a mini clubman 1275 brown but ive just brought a majic body kit for it and im having it resprade yellow
it will be nice!!!!!!

#832 Bunta


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Posted 15 November 2008 - 12:32 PM

Hi all,

I thought i better introduce myself as I may be posting a few questions in the future. I have just bought a 1987 mini park lane, I know that only 1500 were sold in the UK and that they only made them in black (for the uk market). It seems to run well but has some rust on the doors and A panel (i think thats what its called, its the bit between the door and bonnet). I am not sure how far to go with any restoration and whether or not to chav it up a bit. its currently its got nothing added not even alloys or sporty head lamps. I quite like the idea of changing the wheels but dont know how wide I can go. Any suggestions? I was thinking about some graphics like a union jack or bonnet strips but didnt know if this would be laughed at by serious mini types?

Anyway any advise would be gratfully recieved as this is my first mini and I want it to be fun, I have even promised it to my son when he is older (he's five months now, so no huge rush!)


#833 mini_callum


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Posted 16 November 2008 - 07:00 PM

I currently have a 1996 1.3 mini sprite with no mod's it's a standard BUT you never know

more importantly i am currently on a mission to find one of my mum's old mini's. I have
been searching every where i can think of and have found out the following about the car
on the DVLA web site and other wed sites

Morris mini 1000

Date of Liability; 01 09 2009
Date of First Registration; 09 11 1973
Year of Manufacture; Not Available
Cylinder Capacity; (cc) 1275CC
CO2 Emissions; Not Available
Fuel Type ;Petrol
Export Marker; Not Applicable
Vehicle Status; SORN Not Due
Vehicle Colour; BLUE

i think it is still kicking around as it was Sorned in September this year but i can't find out
where any help would be much appreciated.

many thanks to all
Callum (mini_callum)

#834 Frog


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 07:13 PM

Unfortunately I am not driving a mini at the moment, well other than when my wife lets me drive hers !!!
My wifes car is a mini city e which I had given to me about 5 years ago it was red & white with white door squares & a scaffold tube for an exhaust, it was a non-runner & the engine only ran on 3 cylinders when I got it going.
This was quickly put in the garage & had a make over coming out sporting, cosworth moonstone blue paint,graphite grey roof , 8.4" discs & a re-built 1293 engine, also spax adjustables & Hi lo's & a maniflow exhaust. Not bad for her to learn to drive in, but this gave me a perfect excuse to smoke it around to a few shows etc. Then she passed her test & I had to give it up. We knicked named it dumb ass which is painted on the boot lid.
I am a bit of a mini nut & have a bit of a stock of mini's which are : 1963 mini minor super delux, 1966 998 cooper, 1968 riley elf, 1981 clubman estate & a red hot which is currently under going a rebuild. Will try to get some pictures on when I et chance to.

#835 Dutch Tony

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Posted 19 November 2008 - 07:15 PM

Hello all,

Just joined today, I'm currently living and working in Utrecht Holland but my family are still in Kent ( I go home most weekends)
I've just but a Left Hand drive 1989 Red Hot... and I'm hooked, always smiling when I'm in the Mini not sure if it's Ozzi Osbourne on the SAT NAV swearing th directions or just the Fun the Mini has put back into driving.

If I new how to post a picture or two, I would


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#836 mini_lad_1990


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Posted 19 November 2008 - 07:44 PM

[/quote]dam that picture makes me think wish id kept my checkmate, sold it last year.was going fr that look with those archs and wheels...also considered the BOLD option-

cheers mate she aint no where near finished yet got to get the FB front end new rear valence so i can loose the bumpers all round then mk1 grill that will be on by next month and much more haha


#837 bluecitypimp


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Posted 24 November 2008 - 05:02 PM

Hi, i will soon be driving a blue city 1000.only had it couple of days but god damn do i love it already >_< .not yet passed my test but cant wait. Anyway it has 12x5.5 ultras with wider arches.rc40 full pipe n thats about it realy.want to do so much to it but the money issue becoms a problem after a while haha.

#838 David Hall GT

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 09:42 AM

i drive at 1978 clubman gt
hears a tiny spec, full metal flip front, 1400cc engine with webber 45
buckets, roof face
this is my 6th mini
some pics......
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#839 Joe_Hunter


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Posted 01 December 2008 - 06:22 PM

Hi all, ive recently bought a 1990 Rover Mini Cooper 1275cc as my first car! Ive had it around a month and i'm already looking at options for slight modifications. To be honest, although my grandfather is a major car enthusiast having built kit cars through his life, and my father being a know-it-all, im really just learning all the processes and components of the mini and hoping to get some guidance in how to develop my car into something quite substancial.

To my understanding, I can't tell you if there are any 'modifications' on the vehicle, but thats half the reason why I bought it.

Im planning on a Twin DTM exhaust System, some interior styling, new wheel arches and prehaps a new colour applied to my wheels?
If anyone could just inform me on whether any of these options are 'cool' enough, any alternatives or the steps to take in order to acheive these ideas.

It is to be said that I am 17 years old, im very ambitious, probably can't spell very well, and I have to be honest, there is a limited amount of 'cash' that I would be able to use each month on accessories toward my car.

Thanks, replies would be appreciated.

#840 David Hall GT

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Posted 01 December 2008 - 07:05 PM

your plans sound cool mate,
at the end of the day its your car so you can do whatever you want to it!!!
but your ideas sound good

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