i drive a mini city from 1993. the previous owner has aimed to make it into a cooper replica with white stripes replica minilite alloys and a union jack on the roof, along with an interior out of another mini which personally looks camp in my opinion.
i thought this was the only mods until recent purchases for the stock 1000cc city engine didnt seem to fit, until we investigated and belive i might have a 1275cc which has been reconditioned, however there is no apparent way of telling with only a 1000cc on the logbook and the engine plate has been removed! SNEAKY
so far i have brought a set of clear rear lenses, a new top hose, water pump and an alloy 500 style gear knob!
i plan to replace the standard three clock dash with a fully brushed alloy dash or one with a union jack vinyl accross the front, along with a rear roll cage and removal of the rear seats and carpeted out back of the car. Classic buckets in the front with harnesses. a twin carb with two pipercross air filters if not a ram air system. along with a new stainless steel exhaust maybe a twin center exit or possibly a bit of different styling with a motorbike exhaust. a new grill, some wider arches maybe wood and picket style and eventually some angel eye headlamps...
just a short list