(finally got enough time off to do it)
The plan is to fit a Swift GTI engine into a standard front end, the engine will be standard for now.
Frame has already been made to an extent that the engine can fit in it, but it still needs welding and engine mounts etc need making.
Today we stripped the front and fitted the frame ready to sit the engine in and make the mounts.
We took the old front off in 1 piece so we can use it to make sure the engine fits under the standard front.
Put the car in the garage ready to start the cutting:
Front end cut off:
Front end with parts removed:
Subframe and engine removed complete:
New frame bolted on:
Slight clearance problem with the nuts for the RHD accelerator pedal:
Tomorrow we will have the frame fitting better (removing the nuts)
and remove some other bits off the bulkhead, and sit the engine in place.