Well. I decided to go through all the possible known issues that give out a fault code and seeing as I've ditched the exup I figured that I'd start with that. I'd read that if you put a resistor between 7.5k - 10k between the black/red wire and white/red wire that come out of the ECU then that bodges it, so I tried it and it works!
I used a 10k resistor inbetween some connectors and fitted it between the bullet connector and on one of the terminal of the 4pin plug that connect to the exup servo motor.
I will eventually cut the plug off and hard wire the resistor in, but it's fine for now.
It works well enough to let you turn the ignition on, let the fuel pump get to pressure and start the car, with no fault code being present. This is ideal and important because otherwise the mapping is slightly retarded by the ecu because it thinks there is a problem with the exup servo motor.
The only thing is if you leave the ignition on for more than 10 seconds, with the engine off, then the fault code returns, but it goes way if you turn the ignition off and on again, so no big deal.
It's better than leaving the servo connected and permanently spinning away.
Edited by Alburglar, 24 May 2011 - 10:13 PM.