In "fixing" the lack of a thermostat yesterday an opportunity presented itself to also install a heater on/off valve instead of the "straight thru" pipe that was on there.
Unfortunately the garage that installed this "new" head for the previous owner has used odd and incorrect bolts and damaged the threading in the head.
The front fixing seems pretty much ok and I can get a 1/4" UNF to get a decent purchase.
The rear fixing is an entirely different case, you can push a 1/4" UNF bolt all the way in and pull it out again without bothering to turn it at all.
If I use some spare (and overly long) bolts and nuts to see how deep the holes in the head are then it seems that both holes are drilled to the same depth but one has lost all its threading.
What options are there to remedy this?
- Try and drill the failed hole out in-situ and attempt to put a helicoil insert in there? - Sounds awkward in-situ.
- Clean, flush the hole out and chemically bond a split-tailed 1/4" UNF stud into the existing hole and hope it does not pull out.
- What else can I do?
I can't be the first person to pick up someone elses "bodge" to a head, can I, so what is the standard approach to fixing this?
Many thanks in advance.