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Flywheel Ring Gear Removal

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#1 brivinci


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Posted 18 March 2025 - 07:07 PM

Looking for advice on removing the ring gear from the flywheel. My starter started hanging up on its way out and chewed up the teeth sadly. 

Flywheel is an MED lightened unit made of EN8 steel. 


What I have watched online/read about-OFF:

1: Cutting as far as they could into the ring gear and using a cold chisel (and a large hammer) to drive into the cut to "crack" gear. Then hammer it off.

2: Heat up the gear while on the flywheel and then hammer it off. The latter seems tricky as the flywheel will be soaking up a lot of that heat. 



1a: Heat up the gear with a torch (not red hot) to get it to expand. Test by spitting on it and seeing if your spit bounces off (very scientific. ha). Quickly place it on the flywheel and hammer to ensure seated. 

1b: Same but create a rod that is the exact size of the flywheel diameter and use as a indicator as to when the ring gear has expanded enough. Seems like a smart idea.


2: Put ring in over and wheel in freezer. I have a shop oven but not sure how hot it will go or how hot these need to be. I know not red hot, of course. 


Open to hear what has worked for you guys and what produces the most foul-proof method. I REALLY don't want to get this thing half on and get stuck!

#2 KTS


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Posted 18 March 2025 - 07:28 PM

i have a feeling the ring gear on my MED flywheel is also welded in place, which may complicate matters...

#3 nicklouse


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Posted 18 March 2025 - 08:19 PM

So first things first. 

do you have someone local that can balance your flywheel?


if it has three welds on it will be due to the thin ring gear and flywheel.


the welds will need to be ground off and added again. There is also a very good chance it will need to be refaced and the horns on the back plate adjusted to suit. Then balanced.


good thread and video here.


thoughts. Sell it and buy new it might be more cost effective but work-it out first.

#4 brivinci


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Posted 19 March 2025 - 06:48 PM

Ok, sorry! I should have state all this originally...one one time I try and keep it short and sweet (for me).

The gear is not welded, it is tapped with screws between the flywheel and ring gear. They are easily removed and now it's just like any other ring gear on a flywheel.

This flywheel is made of EN8 steel and it's in my fast road (call it 80hp) street car. Wondering if this measure is overkill? Thoughts?

The flywheel is over wise mint and does not need to be resurfaced. The clutch plate has less that 5k on it. That said, I DO have a machine shop that is going to balance it after AND if I did need to surface, he knows to take the same off the horns.

Edited by brivinci, 19 March 2025 - 06:50 PM.

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