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Returning To The Fold

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#1 clubman_dan


    Mini Mad

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Posted Today, 08:57 AM

I've been away from minis since about 2009 when I sold my last one - something I have regretted ever since! I think my wife got fed up with me pining over my old minis and surprised me with being able to buy a mini as a 40th birthday present! 


So last Friday I collected this lovely City E painted in silk green, 32k miles on the clock and in fantastic condition. In typical mini fashion I broke down on the way home which I have traced to a load of old rubber hose particles blocking the float needle valve. 


My plans for this are to tidy up the odd things that need doing (suspension bushes, windscreen seals/fillers and some under bonnet/in boot tidying and paint) and enjoy it over the summer months. I would like to eventually do a few choice modifications whilst keeping the originality as much as possible. 


It's good to be back  :D



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