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Mpi Immobiliser Weirdness

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#1 roblightbody


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Posted 15 March 2025 - 01:23 PM

I had an MPi Mini back in the day when they were brand new, and remember the immobiliser being troublesome then.


2 weeks ago an mpi owning friend asked me to move his car for him while he was away, I got the spare keys and of course the car wouldn't start until i resynchronised the fob - I think i pushed the lock button 4 or 5 times rapidly, then unlock, then it started first time fine.


Then he got home, and back with the normal keys, couldn't get it to un-immobilise, even when he tried the fob resynch thing that I did.


I went to help last night, and I also couldn't get it to behave.  I was about to give up, when the light just extinguished on its own, ages after my last click of the fob buttons.  The light stayed out for the next 2 hours, as if the immobiliser was permanently off.


Does anyone have any ideas what's going on please?  Is it easy to permanently disable the immobiliser?  Why would the light eventually go out on its own?  The car is in lovely condition (fully rebuilt a few years ago) and the immobiliser is the only thing making it unreliable!


Thanks for tips etc.

#2 Deeppockets


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Posted 15 March 2025 - 11:29 PM

The immobilizer behaviour sounds odd. I understand there are two methods to permanently disable the immolizer, I haven't tried either.

The immobilizer works by sending a designated two byte code stream to the Ecu on disarm. If the Ecu does not get the expected code it shuts down.

The first is to put in a device to continuous send the code - such as offered by M1n1.de. Not sure whether this is a modified 5As or a separate unit.

The other is to programme the Ecu to ignore the immobiliser. You may want to look at Andrew Revill's tool for reading from/writing to the Mems 2J Ecu - I recall an option to set the immobiliser code to 0000 which does this.

Good luck.

#3 MiniJosh92


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Posted Today, 07:37 AM

First thing to check is that all of the courtesy light switches are working properly and have good, reliable connections.

#4 roblightbody


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Posted Today, 10:40 AM

Thanks for the info!


After a weekend of more weirdness (but with some fun Mini drives in between) we found a bad earth in the boot, which was confusing matters. 


Will check the courtesy light switches, and see how it goes now with the good earth restored.  

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