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Window Tint

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#1 surfbluejdm


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Posted 21 February 2025 - 11:49 PM

Hey All,


I think this question is styling related?


Anyways, I live in a hot climate and need to tint my windows for survival.  


The biggest issue right now is price because the tint shops don't have a digital template to use for cutting to the correct size.  Manually cutting the film is driving the price up from $300 or less to almost $700!


Is anyone familiar with a place that sells pre-cut window tinting kits or has a digital template to download?


I have a 1997 Rover Mini, FYI.


thanks in advance!

#2 timmy850


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Posted 22 February 2025 - 05:42 AM

I didn't think it was $400 of labour to cut some tint? Just measure on the outside of the window, cut them oversize then apply and trim? Isn't that how tint shops worked for the last 50 years?  Or am I missing something?

#3 Joshwa457


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Posted 22 February 2025 - 05:46 AM

What Timmy said. I’ve just taken my windows to my local tinter and he did all windows bar the front for £200. And to be honest I thought that seemed a lot but he also had to remove 15 year old crappy tint that was already on them

#4 surfbluejdm


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Posted 24 February 2025 - 04:56 PM

I didn't think it was $400 of labour to cut some tint? Just measure on the outside of the window, cut them oversize then apply and trim? Isn't that how tint shops worked for the last 50 years?  Or am I missing something?


I agree, I thought the price was crazy...that's why I'm posting the question!


my quotes so far are from larger customizing shops, so I'll be looking for a smaller mom-and-pop type of operation to hopefully get a better price...but at this point I'm intimidated by it!


I will add that I'm getting quotes for ceramic tint.  My research shows that normal tint is just for visibility/light levels but ceramic does a much better job of rejecting heat/keeping the interior cool which is my main objective.  and of course, ceramic is twice the price of regular old tint material.

#5 Blumeanie


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Posted 25 February 2025 - 01:25 AM

Yes - try a low tech tint shop (mom & pop) as you said. A skilled old-fashioned approach will be much better for the mini. 
I recently did the tinting on my daily.

I have not done the mini and I do not plan to... I have old rally stickers on the rear windows and it would look odd with the tinting.

I like the period un-tinted look - AND I am on the coast, so it is not as hot where I am...

Note that the ceramic tint is in fact a bit better in keeping heat out. But it is also good at keeping cell signals out. 

Edited by Blumeanie, 25 February 2025 - 01:26 AM.

#6 surfbluejdm


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Posted 25 February 2025 - 04:09 PM

Yes - try a low tech tint shop (mom & pop) as you said. A skilled old-fashioned approach will be much better for the mini. 
I recently did the tinting on my daily.

I have not done the mini and I do not plan to... I have old rally stickers on the rear windows and it would look odd with the tinting.

I like the period un-tinted look - AND I am on the coast, so it is not as hot where I am...

Note that the ceramic tint is in fact a bit better in keeping heat out. But it is also good at keeping cell signals out. 

appreciate the info.  I just had my current daily tinted as well, $300.  but Its a modern VW GTI and they had a computer template for it to cut the shapes, which is why they said it was so much cheaper.


I'm in Las Vegas and will be attempting to daily my Mini when it arrives later this week.  Our summers are relentless so I'm doing everything I can think of to keep the car cool.

I agree that the car would look better without tint, I just don't think that's possible where I'm at.


I am also considering some sort of remote start option so that i can fire it up and let the air con go to work before I jump in.  


realistically, I'm not looking for complete comfort, I just want to survive our brutal summers!

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