Hi guys, I have a really dumb question. Easy with me please, im not a mechanic and this is my first mini to work on! SPi, '94 by the way.
Ive been replacing the donuts, trumpets, shocks with new hi-los and knuckles. Of course I have had to take out the tower bolts to compress the donuts.
One of the bolts had just 3 washers, no rubber, the bolt the other side had the correct 1 washer, and 1 (torn/destroyed) rubber bush - thanks previous owner...
Anyways, I was going to buy 2 new bushes from minispares, but I have a real dumb question;
Does the smaller "sticking out" part of the rubber bush face downwards into the hole, or up towards the bolt head. Im thinking it has to be down into the hole, BUT the parts diagram on minisport I used to confirm the part number, seems to show it the other way up... See number 15 on the parts diagram.
...I just like to make sure things are done properly.