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Janp Introduction

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#1 JanP64


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 12:28 PM

Hi all,

my wife Jet seems to relive her youth and bought a Mini again.
Between '82 and approx '90 she had 4 or 5 saloon's.

A few weeks ago, she got a brown Clubman Estate (1980) from Italy.
It is in very good shape. As far as I can see it's rust free and in original paint.
All tech stuff is renewed and/or rebuild. A few dents stayed because they didn't want to ruin the original paint.


This afternoon Jet is taking the Clubman to the Dutch RDW (I think it's DMV in the UK?) for a new Dutch registration.
As to be expected, she noticed some lighting issues (brakelights and left side indicators not working). Just some hours before the appointment..
I quickly fitted a new brake switch and WD40-ed all fusebox connections, flasher relays etc. It now works as intended.
I assume the Italians used a pressure washer or steam cleaner to clean the engine compartment...
Now I'm keeping fingers crossed that the Italian papers are complete and match the vehicle.


For the coming time, we're going to have it treated with anti-rust protection in all "known" area's.
Later, we will mount extra spotlights, tripmaster etc., improve the reliablilty, so Jet can compete in map-reading rally's.

I will report back here in the near future. Probably with some pics.
Regards, Jan (Jet's mechanic, from the province of Drenthe in NL)

#2 Designer


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 02:23 PM



Welcome to the forum.

Great you are Jet's mechanic. Are you her navigator on the rallies?


If not make sure she  helps you on the car so that she can fix any problems whilst on a rally.


There will be some after all as it will be a Mini she is driving.  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D



#3 JanP64


    Just On Tickover

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Posted 21 November 2024 - 08:33 AM

Thanks for the welcome!

No, I'm not with her on rallies.
Last weekend she had two days of 10:00 - 23:00 in a friend's mini (ladies team).
They did some 1400 kms in the Belgian Ardennes and North-East of France.
For me, an hour like that is enough. I don't envy them at all.
Coming weekend, another 2 day outing is planned.. I just support the fun they're having.

Jet used to be quite "technical" in the past (could replace lightbulbs, trace blown fuses, replace a flat tire, we even swapped engines together), but the saying is true: "use it or you'll loose it".
It's a lot easier with a phone in your hand..
She's good explaining what she sees, what happened, etc., so I can estimate if I can repair on the spot or take a trailer with me.

In the past, we had some 10 years of mini-experience. Currently, we have a Triumph Stag with a lot of quirks.
I guess we'll manage to keep the Clubman going too.

As long as my mechanic-time is not more than her actual driving time ...


Edited by JanP64, 21 November 2024 - 08:34 AM.

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