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I'm Back Mini-Ing After A Loooong While!

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#1 Blumeanie


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Posted 11 November 2024 - 03:41 AM

Hi All - I have owned my mini for some 25 years - but I've been away from it for several years. I bought it while living in the Netherlands. - After I heard production was ending, I looked for one of the last Mini cooper sports in my favourite combination - Anthracite and Silver.

After almost giving up multiple times, I found one available in Berlin so I jumped on the train and got it. I got my name on it mid-September of 2000. - As all of you certainly know, production ended a few days later...


I was also very tempted by an almond green sport-pack mini available close to me in the Netherlands... but I stayed the course.

We spent some time driving around Europe and eventually I shipped it over to the Americas. We have been up and down the West coast (California) from Mexico - where it currently lives - going up the coast on Hwy 1 (a famously beautiful coastal road) to San Francisco and vicinity.

This was all before 2008 or so. Then I moved around for work to multiple countries and several continents and did not use the mini for long periods - other than to give it a run now and then when visiting home. It still has fewer than 20,000 km on the odometer...


I was recently reunited with my Mini and I am in the process of replacing all the fluids and making sure everything works properly, so that it continues running happily.   


I've been out of the mini scene for a long time but I do have a copy of the appropriate Haynes manual (And the factory manual), but I know that there is no better source of information than other mini owners!


I had been active to another mini forum in the past (many years ago in the late 1990s - early 2000s) - but that forum seems to have gone sleepy. I was glad to find this forum when looking for some mini tech information - so here I am!


Edited by Blumeanie, 28 November 2024 - 09:03 AM.

#2 Rubbershorts


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Posted 11 November 2024 - 10:04 AM

Welcome. I'm pretty sure you'll find most of what you need on here. I joined this year with not a lot of Mini knowledge, and with the help of people on here my skills are progressing nicely. Also, consider subscribing. This is £5 and entitles you to 7.5% off all orders from Minispares. The fiver is made back in a breath :D

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