so floor welded in, and i used soem red lead paint on it as the weld threw i could see some rust commign threw as it had been sitting a week until i got back to it. took the sill off too
some panels to make here. nothing too hard
Posted 09 November 2024 - 10:31 PM
so floor welded in, and i used soem red lead paint on it as the weld threw i could see some rust commign threw as it had been sitting a week until i got back to it. took the sill off too
some panels to make here. nothing too hard
Posted 10 November 2024 - 06:08 PM
started to rain today just after i started to trial fit sill parts, so i went into the garage and looked at the engine
the one in the car is 1500 , it has a cam adjustable pulley, light flywheel, janspeed exhaust, twin 40 webbers. it does 85 bhp. the 1700 engine i have is a stroked version with a bigger bore, it as standard has 85 bhp. I like the noise of carbs, but really, fuel injection is much nicer, i can do speeduino, with a nice inlet for it, i think that is the way.
When i stripped the engine , it had water in the bores, it had water in the coolant jackets so its a bit corroded, bit of a sorry state really
so. bores are a bit shot, oversize pistons arnt dear at all, liek £100 delivered from estonia, ford pinto valves will go in but are 1mm shorter, need seats, valves, springs etc. going to take it to lane ends engeneering in prescot who did my volvo engine for my bmw, they did a good job and see what they say i need to buy.
Posted 17 November 2024 - 04:02 PM
it was raining today, so i pu the tarp up with some wood and cracked on. did some of the welding to the back of the sill and back seat area
i went inside for dinner, and cut my hand quite badly on a tin can, so i packed up and went into the garage for an hour.
I have decided, the Lada 1700 engine is good, original type, but its going to cost me around £1200 to rebuild and get to say 110 bhp, and the more i thought about it, it just seems a better idea for what i want with the car to fit a bmw engine. The m44 is the obvious choice, its 136 bhp, and while thats ok, it looks nothing like a Lada engine. The m43 engine is a single cam 8v engine, i bought one for £100 with 140k on it, that is 106 bhp, more than enough.
Ive stripped it down to the bare engine, ill take the head off and do a head gasket change now rather than maybe later. I may take it to lane ends too and get them to check it over. With this engine, i can use the bmw 5 speed from the e36, i dont know what diff ratio is in it now but i can get a 3.7:1 from ladapower for not a lot, and ill probably buy a LSD for it too. Now with this set up it should sit on the motorway happily, and if i want to go away on the car, i can.
Posted 24 November 2024 - 07:18 PM
did a little more today, weather was ok
rear quarter is getting replaced now, and the door panel, and inner
red lead paint is really good
wire wheel, started to see how bad the rust is ont eh body, and its not so bad. used some proper good rust killer on it too
Posted 30 November 2024 - 08:58 PM
i have more bits on order for the car now from Ladapower, so ive been doing bits of the car that i can with out the new bits. So first was remove all of the old wing, and clean up the area, but i found the front panel was easier to remove and put a new one than repair it
bit of a hole under where the wing was, and also ont eh top of the inner wing, so cut that off too
gutter cover off, and screen out too
will have to take this out soon, but not just yet!
Posted 30 November 2024 - 11:10 PM
I rode in this model lada a looong time ago...
Amazing skill. (I wish I had...). Are those panels replacements from a factory? (They look the part!).
This car should come out good as new!
Congratulations! - I'll keep tabs on your progress!
Edited by Blumeanie, 30 November 2024 - 11:14 PM.
Posted 01 December 2024 - 12:15 AM
thanks! im not sure if they are Vaz or what, i buy from Ladapower in Estonia, im hoping they all will be good. The 2103 is an amazing car, i hope i can do it justice, learned by welding my mini, put into action on the car of dreams!
Posted 02 December 2024 - 08:48 PM
not a massive update, but i did a little bit of welding on sunday, and painted some red oxide on the car. Id like to drive the car to Hungary next year to the Lada meeting, but i dont know if itll be ready, its asking alot! So looking at the car, i was thinking, with a bmw engine its going to be wrong, so ive made my mind up, Lada 1700 bottom end can be rebuilt, the head off the 1500 and at some point ill get some throttle bodies for it.
Today one of my parcels from Ladapower cam
Posted 15 December 2024 - 06:26 PM
ive not touched the car for a while now, we have had some bad weather, but looking at the car now, that red oxide primer has done a really good job at protecting the car. I cut part of the quarter off today and started to repair parts. i ended up 1/2 threw fitting the sill
looks well better with the doors on but had to come off to weld the sill in place.
Posted 15 December 2024 - 07:13 PM
Great progress and good to hear that you are going with the Lada engine - and working outside in December! you're not making it easy ...
Posted 15 December 2024 - 07:26 PM
Hats off for your dedication.I have a TR7 needing repainting and two repairs to the front wings that has been untouched inside my garage.Nice progress..Steve..
Posted 15 December 2024 - 09:44 PM
thanks! the weather is ok atm, its not too cold, but it was going damp before about 3pm so i finished then. The Lada engine, if i have any chance of getting the car out for a car show next year it has to be lada, bmw will take too long to fit. Plus, when you open the bonnet, it wont look right. How the 1700 will be i dont know yet, either twin 40;s which i dont like, twin throttle bodies which i do like, or im thinking of just a down draft carb, itll be better and quieter on the motorway.
Paint will be the biggest problem i think, either paint it outside, or see if i can get it in work.
Posted 21 December 2024 - 07:20 PM
had a parts delivery from estonia ;)
there is another one coming too, but its stuck in customs, they want an import charge on that one for some reason
took the suspension off, and started on that, ill paint it black but it was in red oxide first
i went to the local paint shop and said that i was thinking of painting the car ford venetian red, and they asked me what the colour of the car is now. i showed them a pic and they guy said, wait, and came back with all the Lada reds in a colour chart and said pick one lol He didnt want me to do it a non Lada colour, so i chose ruby red which i think the car was originally. i got a 10th of a ltr and i painted the inside of the quarter panel with it
its hard to show in the pic but its actually a really nice colour.
Posted 27 December 2024 - 04:14 PM
not massive progress but some, ive hurt my right knee somehow, and also its really damp outside atm, so did some int eh garage.
I bought 2ltrs of the paint for the car, this is the paint code for self reference in teh future
more parts came from lada power
i had to remove the old bumper filler panel from the old front panel
i rebuilt the front wishbones
just need to get a plan how to do the rest of it now, will hopefully be netter weather soon
Posted 29 December 2024 - 09:33 PM
not massive progress but enough for someone with this cold that is going around. Feel very tired!
welded the sill on more and welded the post and post support in
I also welded the cross member in too but didnt take a proper pic of that
I need to get teh car rolling again so i can get at the rear quarter so i stonechipped the front suspension area
more soon i hope ;)
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