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1996 Mini Equinox

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#1 TeddytheSpoon


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Posted 06 September 2024 - 02:28 PM

Finally got some work done this summer, so better start documenting it...


Bought this Mini in 2018, as my first car/student runabout. I'll stop short of saying it was neglected, but it was run on a pretty tight budget. So when I moved to Finland after graduating, I knew it would need some work doing... Not helped by the fact I had a (low-speed, mercifully) accident in it literally the day before I moved (ironically, as I was driving it to be stored safely for a few months to avoid driving it over during the Nordic winter).


First step was to repair the dents. In doing so a few rusty spots were identified and fixed, including the heelboard and engine mounts.


The MOT having expired, I didn't dare try and put it through another one, so all that was needed was to get it moving under its own power. A sticky clutch was presumed to be the only obstacle, but it quickly turned into a replacement of the entire system, cylinders and all.


Then at long last we were reunited at the start of summer! So far I've only done a few odd jobs and upgrades. Every time I start something, I find that I'm missing a certain tool to be able to do it properly... My tool kit has grown a lot in the past couple of months!


The first job - and the first bona fide upgrade she's had since I got her - was the fitting of grille buttons. The grille itself still needs some mods to make a bit of room, but it seems like it fits reasonably well.


Then to a job that actually needed doing: replacing some bent tie-rods. Easy enough, and uncovered a few more bits that will need replacing...


The current plan is to have the Mini back on its wheels (and re-registered in Finland) by next spring. Every May Day bank holiday sees a huge old car parade, so I have a date to aim for to at least have some of the work done. No doubt it will need some more substantial repairs subsequently (looking at you, bubbly a-wings), but I figure I can get at least one summer's driving out of it...


(Pictures to come later!)

#2 TeddytheSpoon


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Posted 15 November 2024 - 08:53 AM

Well, progress has been pretty slow... But some small jobs have been done. Headlights are now converted to LHD, uncovering no fewer than four (!) separate splices in one of the sidelight wires.

Rocker cover gasket has also been replaced, identifying at least one of the leaks where the cork gasket had disintegrated. Silicone one has gone in as a replacement. Another leak identified is at the back of the transfer case, but not much I can do about that at the moment...

And finally, I fitted some Superfin drums as a treat. Are there more important things to be doing? Absolutely. But sometimes you need nice easy upgrades to keep the motivation up!

#3 TeddytheSpoon


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Posted 15 November 2024 - 08:53 AM

Well, progress has been pretty slow... But some small jobs have been done. Headlights are now converted to LHD, uncovering no fewer than four (!) separate splices in one of the sidelight wires.

Rocker cover gasket has also been replaced, identifying at least one of the leaks where the cork gasket had disintegrated. Silicone one has gone in as a replacement. Another leak identified is at the back of the transfer case, but not much I can do about that at the moment...

And finally, I fitted some Superfin drums as a treat. Are there more important things to be doing? Absolutely. But sometimes you need nice easy upgrades to keep the motivation up!

#4 TeddytheSpoon


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Posted 26 November 2024 - 08:06 AM

Attacked the front knuckle joints over the weekend, which was a tale of two sides. Everything on the RHS came off nice and easy, with the exception of the joint itself - I had to essentially destroy the plastic housing to remove it.

But that was nowhere near as bad as the LHS - every single nut was rusty enough to get rounded off almost immediately, and the upper ball joint nut wouldn't come all the way off before just spinning the ball joint. But perseverance paid off, and now there are shiny new knuckles (and nuts, and assorted rubber bits) in place!

#5 TeddytheSpoon


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Posted 16 March 2025 - 07:19 PM

As much as dismantling 20+ years of rust and disintegrating plastic is a bit of a pig sometimes, being able to fit the new stuff is so nice. Taking the old fuel filter and corroded lines out took longer than it had any right to, but new ones went in place in about a quarter of the time.

Hopefully the same will be true of the radiator. The old one came out after much finagling yesterday and was in worse nick than I thought, so good job I got a good deal on an uprated 3-fin one. A few bits to clean up and replace while it's out though, not least of which is the old wing fan mountings.

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