Theres a number of ways you can change colour on photoshop. It depends on what coulour the car is to start with, weather its shiny or dull etc etc.
If the car is a fairly light colour to start with then you can just create a new layer and fil it with your colour, then lower the opacity . I find its easiest with this to lower the oppacity to sommat like 20% then you can see behind to the original image to cut out the windows and other bits you dont want. Then when ur done you can up the opacity till its suitable.
The next thing to try if that dont work is to duplicate the image of your car in a new layer then press 'Ctrl + shift + U' this takes all the colour outof that layer, it will do it to all of the layer tho - so you need to cut out the windows and lights and stuff the same as you would above.
After doin that you can put ur colour ontop again.
The last thing you can do is do what i said above in the second bit, make it B&W. Then go to Variations and play with thte tones and highlights and shadow areas, make it lighter darker etc.
Different photos will require different methods - black cars are a pain in the arse because when you change the colour it always looks chromey, white cars always come out looking matt or pastle'y. Best colour to start with is mettallic silver.
Experiment with the methods to find which is best, sometimes it can be a combination of all of em. Oh and dont forget to change the colour on the chrome bits of the car, because the paint reflects onto them - you can usually fix this with dellicate use of the brush
Hope that all make sense
I'll see if i can knock up some tutorial type things if that dont make sence
Edited by JetBLICK, 21 November 2006 - 03:42 PM.