I think you're right - it does seem to be a polite old bumper

Mystery Project
Posted 01 May 2024 - 09:17 AM
Posted 02 May 2024 - 10:58 AM
Yesterday I managed to get three unused Avon Ranger tyres for £85! I can still barely believe it! I was also able to drop off the V8 inlet manifold, alloy air filter tubes(spent an hour yesterday filing off the casting lines) and the rocker covers for vapour blasting just around the corner from where I bought the tyres, so all in all, a good day!
Posted 14 May 2024 - 06:55 AM
I took advantage of some rare sunshine last weekend to spend some pleasant time on the Landy, removing the front number-plate and unwanted fittings from the missing rear one and also the brake/clutch fluid reservoir ready for restoration. I also tried to take the old drivers door lock barrel out, but that didn't go so well as I broke the old cam that fit's on the end of the lock barrel and physically prevents the handle being opened.
Yesterday evening, as the glorious British weather had reverted to type and was chucking it down I decided that, as the Landy is only half under cover, we'd work on the V8. We removed the heads to lighten it, bolted it on to an axle stand and trundled it into the workshop. There we removed and numbered the cam followers (which are surprisingly in perfect condition) and also removed the water pump, engine mounts and front-most crank pulley.
Posted 14 May 2024 - 08:24 AM
Think your bolt is alittle bent on the first cylinder on left hand bores...incase you did not see it...
Posted 14 May 2024 - 04:33 PM
Love a very....
Think your bolt is alittle bent on the first cylinder on left hand bores...incase you did not see it...
It does look like that, but I think it's a dowel in the foreground and a bolt behind :)
Posted 15 May 2024 - 09:26 AM
DVLA have now given me the details of an Inspector who will view the Landy tomorrow! Very exciting! The Case Officer initially said that all the major components (including the engine) needed to be in/on the vehicle which would have been annoying because the diesel is currently out while I sort the brake pipes and wiring. However the actual inspector took a more relaxed view so I just needed to replace the rad and front panel with a few bolts and the motor can stay beside it.
Posted 06 June 2024 - 10:30 AM
New historic registration number obtained, No MOT needed so can dump the diesel and go straight to V8. Yahaay!
Posted 09 June 2024 - 04:24 PM
A member of the Series 2 club visited Landrover Gaydon and was able to view the record of my Landy. It was apparently light grey from the factory, which surprised me as the interior is bronze green so I had thought that was the original colour and that the outside hade been re-painted but it appears to be the other way round. Today I've been painting the brake/clutch fluid reservoir so I can move on with the brakes.
Posted 25 June 2024 - 05:02 PM
Posted 30 June 2024 - 04:26 PM
Yes, I've got some quiksteel aluminium putty to try to tidy them up a bit and ensure a good seal.
Posted 21 July 2024 - 09:13 AM
I've decided to scrap that inlet manifold and have bought a cheap replacement. The engine is off having the crank re-ground and heads skimmed etc. I'm still trying to track down previous owners and have just received a possible lead from the NZ Landrover owners Club which I'm following up. The exhaust headers have been blasted and painted, wheels blasted and powdercoated, instrument panels finalised - just waiting for the last gauge to arrive. The front panel is booked in for welding it's lower edge.
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