I am redoing the body on my 68 mini
I originally was going to redo some of the rear trunk in patches as I saw need and would replace the rear heelboard - however I think it makes more sense to replace the entire rear trunk floor with this guy:
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This covers the rear seats, which in the cabin could use some repair. My issue is: I was going to do the entire floor, front bulkhead repairs, and require more repairs in the trunk - so without it being on a rotisserie, what are the orders of operations?
I am thinking to weld in supports on the inside of the car, repair the trunk and arches, but forbid the rear heel board at that time, and then move to the front bulkhead, at which point I would put the car on a rotisserie and do the floorboards and the rear heel board. Will the supports be sufficient to keep the car structural while doing this and without a proper heel board connection can I trust the car lie on the jacks with the board under them like here once I have the car cut up?