Thanks for your advice,
Plugs are black.
I have been adjusting the idle mixture using the nut at the back of the Carb,(i can adjust it to a point were it would stop black smoke out the end, however then it cuts off sometimes and jerks)
The choke cable is removed so im guessing it cannot be stuck?
The left Bowl over fills with fuel it seeps out the gasket when i put the keep on and the facet pump send fuel to the bowl.
The need valve is new so what's causing the over flowing? pressure of the facet pump?
The lack of choke cable does suggest the levers should be fully up, but it's worth checking they are all free and the jet moves up and down freely. After each jet nut adjustment I tend to push up on the jet base to ensure it's seated properly.
The float needle can still leak even when new if a tiny speck of dirt/rust gets in the seat. Remove and flush through if you can. a filter would be a good idea if you can't clean/replace the tank. A flooded float bowl will most certainly cause rich running, and if you try to adjust for it with the jet nut all you will do is make the part throttle mixture too weak. The fact the only one needle seems to be leaking suggests the pump is not to blame, though I don't know if facet pumps produce a high pressure. Dealing with this should be the first step.
When you stripped the carbs down, did you remove the jets and jet locating nut ( the large nut above the jet adjustment nut) If so then centring the jet must be done the ensure the needles can't stick in the jet due to being offcentre. A good check on centering is to lift the piston about 5 mm and let it drop. If it drops onto the bridge with a slight click then it should be centred enough.
Matching means they rise at exactly the same rate under equal vacuum application and fall back at the same rate when vacuum is released. ( rough check, Lift the piston and see how hard it is to lift, lift each piston 10mm and drop and see if they drop at about the same speed.
It does seem happy enough when revved, so it has to be the idle fuelling causeing the problem.
Edited by Lplus, 21 January 2024 - 01:03 PM.