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1992 Rover Mini Cooper Si

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#1 JustTooJazzy


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Posted 28 December 2023 - 02:09 PM

Time to reintroduce myself and share the latest acquisition, my 1992 Rover Mini Cooper. You may have encountered me on the forum previously as MiniCarJack (and perhaps you've read about my NZ-built Mk1 which I still own), so hello again to those I've interacted with before! Having recently changed my name in "real life" I figured a change in profile was also in order...


Anyway, here's my most recently purchased Mini which I've now owned for a couple of months, bought with the intention to sort and use as my daily driver after I got bored with my F54 Clubman.




It's an early injection car with a John Cooper Garages "Si" conversion (number 91 on the crossmember plaque), repainted in Connaught Green with full-length white stripes & roof in tribute to John Rhodes' car from the '60s. That backdated theme works surprisingly well with an ever-so-slightly modernised interior - it's adorned with Cooper embossed leather seats and a two-speed heater from a later MPI, ideal for a daily really. I was also pleased to discover that the right-hand fuel filler wasn't fake, it is in fact the real deal with the car having been fitted with a JCG twin tank conversion, a rarely fitted option for injection cars!
The car was set up for motorsport by one of the previous owners, so it's got heavy duty tow points on both subframes, and reinforcing brackets for a rollcage which is no longer fitted. The suspension has almost every upgrade imaginable with lots of adjustable bits and very good cones, so it handles superbly.
There's also a stack of paperwork, original service books and documentation from John Cooper Garages, including the Si certificate which is very nice to have.
I bought the car as a project as it needed a new clutch and some bits sorting for MOT, which was all done just after I bought it in early November. Between then and now I've mainly just been driving it, having covered somewhere between 500 and 1000 miles in that time pushing it to just over 70,000 on the odometer. Up until recently it's wanted for nothing, and the most work I'd done on it was replace the door mirrors and fit a Mk2 S badge to the bonnet to carry on the retro theme.
Unfortunately it was all going too well when, a few weeks ago, disaster struck. On my way back home from London along the A3, oil started finding its way all over the engine bay from every orifice it could find, and the engine showed symptoms that suggested excessive crankcase pressure. I had it towed home and confirmed the next day that compression was lost on cylinder no.2, meaning it's almost certain the rings have gone. Since then it's been dropped off at my local Mini-friendly garage to get the engine apart, assess the damage and take it from there... it's likely that a full rebuild is in order, but fortunately I paid quite a low price for this car and I have some funds available to pursue this.

It's not an ideal start to my ownership now that the project has turned a bit more major than anticipated, but I'm trying to see it as a silver lining as I now have the opportunity to properly refresh/rebuild the engine, and set it up as a really nice usable (and hopefully reliable) daily thereafter. And at least I still have the Mk1 to use in the meantime, as noisy and not-very-well-suited-to-winter as it is!


For now though, here are a few more photos from when the car was still going strong, hopefully more to follow soon after some progress on the engine.










#2 Shep76S


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Posted 29 December 2023 - 08:07 PM

I was going to suggest the J Cooper Garages club Facebook page but have just seen you have already found it. Still looking for my old 1996 Si, no 76. Love the green of your car.

#3 slidehammer


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Posted 29 December 2023 - 11:36 PM

A nice looking Mini. Good luck with the engine work.

#4 JustTooJazzy


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Posted 30 December 2023 - 12:09 AM

I was going to suggest the J Cooper Garages club Facebook page but have just seen you have already found it. Still looking for my old 1996 Si, no 76. Love the green of your car.


I have indeed! Best of luck finding your '96, hopefully it will show up some day.


A nice looking Mini. Good luck with the engine work.


Thank you, I think patience rather than luck is the main thing I'm missing at the moment, I'm keen to get it back on the road again ASAP but these things don't happen overnight unfortunately!

#5 JustTooJazzy


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Posted 03 January 2024 - 09:40 PM

Happy new year!


With holiday festivities out of the way, work on the Si has commenced.




The head's been removed to better assess the condition of the engine and as suspected, the bottom end is definitely in need of some attention. Thanks to the failed piston rings there's some scoring damage on cylinder 2, and the other cylinders are a bit past their best with a lip at the top of the bores as well... looks like it's rebuild time!




The head seems okay upon initial inspection, but will benefit from a thorough going through. We took the chance to confirm the spec with the valves measuring up at 33 inlet/29 exhaust - bog standard for an SPI Cooper - but it has had some porting work as part of the JCG SI conversion.




The next step is for the engine to come out and get stripped down ready for the machine shop, so in the meantime I'll be ordering up a hefty shopping list of parts for the rebuild thereafter. While I am trying to avoid falling too far down the trap of "while it's apart, why not upgrade X", it does make sense in a few areas, particularly with the camshaft... if that's being replaced, I may as well select a profile that suits the car and its application as an injected daily driver. I'm considering a few options, currently leaning toward an SW5 or an MD274, but haven't decided just yet.

Hopefully more updates to follow soon once more progress is made on the disassembly!

Edited by JustTooJazzy, 03 January 2024 - 09:42 PM.

#6 JustTooJazzy


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Posted 10 January 2024 - 07:48 PM

The engine should hopefully be at the machine shop before the end of this week, and the new parts have begun to arrive - the first parcel came yesterday from Swiftune  :proud:  I've opted for an SW5 cam and purchased their "rebuild kit" to go with it, as well as a bunch of other parts which should be turning up from Minispares in the next few days. I'm not chasing mega performance with this build so I haven't gone all-out with the wallet lightening exercise, but I do want to ensure reliability so have gone for a few upgrades with items like uprated gaskets & seals, a centre oil pickup & hardened diff pin for the box, and upgraded pushrods.


I've also decided to remove the JCG oil cooler in favour of a nice braided line straight from the block to the filter head. I'll keep the cooler aside for originality, but I fear it'll be doing more harm than good on such a mild engine, so to me it doesn't make sense to retain it on the car for any reason except for total originality which I'm happy to sacrifice in this case. 




(not my hand in the photo  :D)


All going well, should be on track for getting back on the road by the end of the month... at least I certainly hope so! The poor little Mk1 is getting a bit chilly and isn't fantastically suited to this weather, although it does make the daily commute an interesting affair  :lol:





#7 JustTooJazzy


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Posted 16 January 2024 - 08:59 PM

Not too much to report, the engine is still getting sorted out, but all is looking good to have the car on the road before the month's end. I dropped off a bunch of new parts at the workshop, and grabbed a couple of photos of the disassembled engine while I was there. The bores are definitely worn out and will need taking out +20 thou at minimum, hopefully that will suffice as I really want to keep as much meat in the block as possible for reliability and strength on this car.


It's not a total disaster overall though, the crank doesn't look terrible (but will of course get fully checked over and measured, and any remedial work completed as necessary), and fortunately the gearbox appears to be in amazing condition for a 70,000 mile unit - perhaps it's been replaced or rebuilt at some point! A new pot joint is needed on one side, but I have a spare stashed away somewhere which I'll dig out this week.


I'm also waiting for a duplex vernier timing kit to arrive from Minispares, which should come in the next few days. It turned out this engine only had a bog standard simplex chain on it so I figure an upgrade is well warranted here, and the adjustable vernier setup will ensure the engine can get the most from the new camshaft with it being timed in more accurately.


I've supplied most parts needed for the rebuild myself, but have asked that the machinist supply and use their preferred choice of pistons, rings, bearings etc with my requirements in mind.


Honestly it's been a bit demoralising having the car off the road for this length of time in an unplanned fashion, but it feels like the light is slowly but surely emerging at the end of the proverbial tunnel. I'm looking forward to taking the car out to a few events this year, along with pressing it back into daily service as my regular runabout!





#8 JustTooJazzy


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Posted 20 January 2024 - 05:19 PM

Machining work on the engine is complete, and everything should now be ready for reassembly. I was hoping to get away with a minimal +20 thou overbore, but +30 was needed due to the amount of wear & damage particularly on cylinder no.2. I assumed that they would've gone to +40 as I didn't realise +30 pistons were available... every day's a school day!


While I'm waiting for the engine to be built up and reinstalled, I finally got round to sorting out a Mk2 Cooper S badge for the boot lid, so I can fit it once I get the car back. Following a similar approach to the front badge that I put on the bonnet last year, I ground the pins off the back of the chrome surround and stuck the inner motif to it using thin pieces of high strength 3M tape, so it's now a single piece that can be stuck on to the panel with no drilling needed.





#9 bpirie1000


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Posted 21 January 2024 - 07:13 AM

Good thins come to those who wait......

Alittle time now... alot longer on the road....(easy for me to say i know)

#10 JustTooJazzy


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Posted 01 February 2024 - 07:42 PM

Nearly there! Apart from fitting the clutch & flywheel along with a few other details, the engine is basically ready to drop back into the car for its first startup. Thought I'd also try out my new rocker cover to add a personal touch, and I rather like it!


In an ideal world the car will be back on the road this weekend, but worst case it'll be early next week.



#11 JustTooJazzy


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Posted 10 February 2024 - 08:49 PM

She's back on the road!  :wub:


The engine's back in good running order, just needs running in so I'll be treating it gently for now. I've treated the car to the new boot badge, and I also discovered an extra pair of speakers discretely fitted behind the underseat board, so I've upgraded those to some beefy 6x9s which sound awesome.


Here's to more happy miles ahead!













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