Hi Spider, I have been following this thread with interest.
I have a few sets of forks I’d considered resurfacing but so far not had the time, need or inclination to progress with it.
If we assume they are aluminium bronze, then they could be resurfaced with aluminium bronze brazing/welding rod by the tig process with pure argon gas and pre-heating of the part.
You could also mig braze/weld with aluminium bronze wire which would probably be easier, relatively. Never tried it.
Another option is spray metal transfer with an oxy-acetylene spray torch and powder such as Eutectic. I have a set in the workshop somewhere but not used it in 20+ years.
I’ve no idea what grade the forks are and I’m not sure it matters that much.
What probably matters more is the grade of rods, wire, or powder you use as most will stick, weld, bond, or whatever you wish to call it to a variety of base metals.
Another method could be selective bronze plating, but I don’t know much about this and if it would work or what thickness could be built up.
Fancy welding materials and processes are not cheap. And then you have to re-machine them or get them machined.
I would be interested if someone has a go at it and how it works out, but it’s not near the top of my very long to do list.
If you are worried about the materal grade, just thinking outside the box, and without really looking deeply at the part. Maybe the forks could be cut down the centre, squashed together slightly and the cut then brazed/welded back up.