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Beware Of Abs Motorsports!

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#1 Vudu


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Posted 01 April 2023 - 04:22 PM

We have little in the way of protections as consumers these days but at least we can share our bad experiences with other people and potentially save them from getting ripped off or sending their money to a company that has zero concern for their customers.


Unfortunately, one of the companies that must be added to the list would be ABS Motorsports at:

Unit 40, Brookenby Business Park, Binbrook, Brookenby, Market Rasen LN8 6HF, United Kingdom


This event wasn't my first purchase but it will certainly be my last and I hope this serves as a cautionary tale for anyone else who might be considering giving their business to this disreputable company.


In November of '22, I purchased a smoothie bonnet for my Mini along with a set of W&P arches. I should have seen it as an omen when it took the company a week to reply to my inquiry into how to complete the transaction (online checkout doesn't work for customers in the United States as there is no way to incorporate shipping costs). Regardless I carried on with the instructions for payment once I received a proper invoice.


Much to my surprise, the shipment arrived a week later via DHL (dropped off on my porch) but unfortunately my joy was short lived as when the shipment arrived, the bent up box with holes and tears bore witness to a rough travel to my address. Worse yet was the fact that the bonnet suffered damage to one side which resulted in a crack on the surface of the panel as well (photos attached). It definitely appears as though it sustained an impact along the front which snapped the panel (one of the rear corners near the scuttle as shows damage supports my theory) but to be fair, the packing of the bonnet that might have protected it during shipment was non-existent! Fortunately the W&P arches, which were well wrapped, didn’t suffer any damage.

I immediately sent an email to customer service notifying them of the problem and respectfully requesting a resolution. Tony from ABS replied "I am so sorry to see this, I will send these images to our broker, it looks very obvious that something has crushed the box."
10 days later I received a reply to my follow-up inquiry that notified me "Claim form submitted, no response as of yet. I will keep you posted."
That was the end of receiving ANY correspondence from ABS despite numerous email attempts over the past 3 months. My last couple of requests simply asked for a refund of the cost of the bonnet plus the shipping as it was starting to become obvious that they had no desire to replace the damaged part.
I'm sure there will be many other people who will jump to this company's defense and state that they have ordered _____ this many times and that they have always been nothing but outstanding, and honestly, I would be glad to hear that others have not been treated so poorly as I have been to date. Other's experiences aside, as a paying customer I have a reasonable expectation of receiving undamaged versions of the goods I paid for. 
One could argue the point that it is ultimately DHL's fault as they were the shipper... as much as one could point out the exceptionally poor packing that was supplied by ABS. Regardless, I'm party to neither of those errors and have only been left with a body part which is useless.
In this day and age, the only real power you have against poor customer service is to vote with your wallet. DO NOT GIVE COMPANIES LIKE ABS YOUR HARD EARNED WAGES and maybe, maybe, some one at those establishments will make a connection between a loss of revenue and mistreatment of customers.



#2 Steam


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Posted 02 April 2023 - 12:40 AM

I fail to see why you think ABS should be held responsible for poor transporting. You need to focus on the shipping company.

#3 Designer


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Posted 02 April 2023 - 05:18 AM

If you paid using a Credit Card try going through them they may be able to help.

#4 Vanman20


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Posted 02 April 2023 - 07:00 AM

I fail to see why you think ABS should be held responsible for poor transporting. You need to focus on the shipping company.

I'm pretty sure it's the responsibility of the seller until it reaches the destination.
If there's transportation damage the seller makes a claim against the delivery company.
That's under UK law anyway

#5 PoolGuy


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Posted 02 April 2023 - 07:43 AM

That’s my take on it too. His contract is with the seller.

#6 Lowestoftmodder


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Posted 07 April 2023 - 07:19 PM

Tony is a good guy but his contact has been abysmal recently. I think he’s overworked and understaffed.
A shame as usually they are very good. I just don’t think minis and mini parts are the main bread winner anymore so get sidelined as a second thought against the btcc stuff.
Phone messages don’t seem to get a reply either.
I’m sure he will put this right for you eventually.. as I said before he is actually a good guy
Keep pressing him

#7 unburntfuelinthemorning


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Posted 15 April 2023 - 06:55 PM

Retro Minis were good until they suddenly weren't anymore.

#8 Lowestoftmodder


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Posted 26 April 2023 - 08:32 AM

Did you get this resolved?

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