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1988 Mini Designer Mary Quant. To Vtec Or To Go Old School

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#1 Manutdbo1


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 09:20 AM

I have had a little mini designer for a few years now not really done anything with it I seem to have all the trim minus the left hand side length :(. Currently setting up to restore I would like to keep the car pretty much as it is visually. Has anyone out of interest done a vtec conversion on a mary quant? Are there any sub frames that will fit the engine (thinking b18c6) without cutting into the body work? I've had a look on lots of forums and can't seem to find any restoration jobs on a mary quant so not entirely sure this would work.
I cant seem to find any frames apart from on the normal sites mentioned, import tax is not fun on some of those.
So as the topic says to engine swap or stay original... have a couple of pictures of the old girl attached. Long long way off doing the engine plan as she will need tearing apart and de rusting but, as that will be the most expensive part want to get ahead of funding for it. Any help from people who have done this or know if it will fit in the mary quant at all would be brilliant. (Apologies if this seem a similar post as one I've already done didnt realise the sections until I read up properly)

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#2 mab01uk


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 09:55 AM

My vote is for stay original.....not many Mini Designers left that are restored to original spec. and that still have all their original features intact.

Beware storing it on what looks like grass/leaves/soft ground for any length of time as it will rapidly accelerate rusting & corrosion from below.....

Edited by mab01uk, 26 February 2023 - 09:59 AM.

#3 Manutdbo1


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 10:13 AM

She will be getting moved although you can't see from the pictures it is normally wrapped up and the below ground is stone not mud, I do have a factory engine still wrapped up in its lovely gold wrapping if I opt to go original to be fair.

#4 Designer


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 10:37 AM

Hi Manutdbo1,


Welcome to the forum.

My daughter has a Black Mary Quant Mini Designer that she has owned for about 26 years. It is the first car she ever bought and learnt to drive in it. I believe she is the second owner and I have the honour of keeping it on the road. 

We have tried to keep it as original as possible, we even have the original radio that it came with that can be reinstated if need be. There are a few Designers out there but yours is only the second Black one I have seen that is almost original,

I have seen one White Designer almost original at the London to Brighton run in 2019. All the others I have seen are called Designers because all they have left on/in them is the Designer Decals or the Designer seats.

Regarding your missing trim. If it is the bottom trim between the plastic wheel arches then you need part number CZH4316 from Minispares and if it is the roof gutter trim then Minispares part number YGA1107. Both trims come in black so a rattle can of Nimbus Grey plus appropriate primer will be needed. Your local car paint supplier should be able to make the Nimbus Grey up for you.

Can you please confirm one thing for me. I had to replace the drivers door mirror and could only get one in black. I have looked at every spec list and I even have an original sales brochure for the Designer but cannot make out if the door mirror should be Nimbus Grey or Black. Looking at you photo it appears to be Nimbus Grey but is it just black that has faded. Also is there a black rim around the glass or is that Grey as well.

Edited by Designer, 26 February 2023 - 10:43 AM.

#5 Manutdbo1


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 11:38 AM

Hi thankyou for the welcome.

That is brilliant thankyou for that part number yes it the just the left hand side bottom trim that has gone I am hoping to find it in the garage when I clear it out however..the roof gutter is still there and attached.
The backs of the mirrors have always been nimbus grey on mine and have never been changed as far as I know.
I assume you are talking about the mirror glass trim and not the main windows ? If so I'll have to check that one should be going down the end of this week I'll take some better pictures of the mirrors if that would help.
I'm starting to think that if I want to play with engine upgrades I may have to buy another mini and do it in that one instead.

#6 Manutdbo1


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 11:46 AM

I think i also have the radio in and attached still aswell thinking about it ill check this week

#7 Designer


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 11:47 AM

Yes I do mean the mirror glass and that would be greatly appreciated if you could post some close up photos of the door mirror. I have actually put one on the near side for safety reasons, they only came with the drivers door mirror fitted. My daughter's Designer has got the Sun Roof which I believe was an optional extra and also front and rear Bull Bars which I think were fitted later by the son of the old dear who owned the car before my daughter.


Regards Paddy

#8 Manutdbo1


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 12:03 PM

Yes, not a problem I will get some pictures and post them once I have them.
Nice little touch to individualise it a bit more aswell.
For rusty parts which I am going to take a stab in the dark there will be a few bits needing replacing, where is a good place to get original replacements for the designer? Would minispares be a good place to start?

#9 Designer


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 01:58 PM

Fortunately we have not experienced major rust problems on the car. What we have had has been dealt with by rubbing back to bare metal and repainting. Just done the whole of the front from the front of the doors forward. That included the windscreen surround and the scuttle. Did all the preparation myself up to a 1K epoxy primer. Not having the proper equipment I did not use 2K as it is so lethal. Sent her to a local body shop to have her top coat put on properly. They did a coat of 2K epoxy primer just to satisfy themselves that there was a good base.

I did have to replace the rear sub frame as it was a bit grotty. Got a new one from Minispares.I have had to replace various parts as is normal with a car 35 years old. Regarding actual replacement panels I leave it up to those with specific knowledge to advise, there are lots of comments in other sections of this forum.

I will post some photos once she is back together, just got to top coat the front plastic wheel arches and put the white coach lines on from the doors forward and also put on the front Bull Bar. The garage is a bit on the cold side for doing the top coat at the moment. Then fingers crossed she will be off to pass her MOT.

#10 Designer


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 02:09 PM

If you go to the topic

What Is The Best Action To Take Next.
  on page 4 at the moment in the section Bodywork, Paint and Detailing you will see some of the photo graphs I took during the preparation stage.

#11 Manutdbo1


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Posted 26 February 2023 - 03:42 PM

Hopefully I will be fortunate to not find much myself,the sils definitely will need doing that I am sure, with the painting I suppose you can just ask the painter of your choice to replicate the paint (in my case black) and detailing such as designer and double stripe down the side.
Yes primer not great quite used to using dodgy stuff working in the aircraft world. I will keep reading up and hopefully find my answers in the forum lots to read and little time to do so.
Yes the weather isn't great at the moment for stuff like that bring on spring!!
Awesome I will head over there this evening and have a look and read thanks for the link !!

#12 Manutdbo1


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Posted 02 March 2023 - 05:33 PM

So managed to get some pictures Designer, they are difficult to tell at first thought/look my head said they are black and have just faded over time, however looking closer they match identically to the trim colour under the black and it seems theyve been sprayed black, the glass trim was black. I had a look at the sales booklet there is a picture in there that shows the back of the mirror and they do appear to match the grey trim hope that helps

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#13 Designer


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Posted 02 March 2023 - 06:26 PM

Hi Manutdbo 1,


Many thanks for the pictures I will be spraying ours Nimbus Grey but will leave the glass surround black. Certainly the mirror post looks Nimbus Grey to me. Like in the sales brochure I have it is very difficult to see what colour the door mirror is.

Apparently at the end of the third quarter of 2022 there were 92 Designers registered and 444 SORN. What the ratio of Black or White registered is I do not know and how many are as original is another question, probably not many. With regards those that are SORN how many have gone to the jaws of the metal worm and will never travel the black stuff again is anyone's guess.

Have fun with your project it will be worth it.


Regards Paddy

#14 Kam


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Posted 11 March 2023 - 09:08 PM

I'm starting to think that if I want to play with engine upgrades I may have to buy another mini and do it in that one instead.

Basically if you have the space and time then do this, ten years ago when people wanted to do an engine conversion (any make) on a designer, 35, British open classic etc they would say keep it original as they are getting rarer each day - they never say that about a Mayfair…

So ten years later they are becoming even more rarer

So yes good move on buying another, maybe a Mayfair!

#15 Manutdbo1


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Posted 13 March 2023 - 12:17 PM

Kam, this is very true, currently mapping out everything that needs to be done on the old girl and then hopefully get her started when it's a little bit warmer. I never thought I'd use excel as much as what I have done to map out the restore!!
I'll have a look into the Mayfair's could be a good shout.

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