It's been far too long since my last update. Summer arrived, we went on a delayed honeymoon to Europe, work trips, mountain bikes, trials motorcycles...the list of excuses goes on. Here's the condensed version of work to-date since last update.
I *mostly* completed repairs to the bottom of the rear bulkhead panel. I have some trimming and tidying before final attachment of the boot floor. Progress picture of the first side being completed.

I positioned the boot and heelboard in the upside down car, installed the heelboard in place and even tried a wheel to see if it looks like it's in the right place.

It certainly looks right to me. The subframe location in the car just didn't feel good to me. The heelboard won't sit quite perpendicular to the seat base portion of the floor, which is pushing the subframe tight against the rear valence closers. The problem seems to be the location of the tunnel in the car.
I finally returned to my heelboard issues and made a jig to help me relocate the brackets.

Once I was satisfied with the jig, I drilled out the spotwelds and removed the brackets.

Once they were welded back on, who would have guessed, it fits the subframe finally!

Once I was at this stage I hit a roadblock because I just was not convinced about the heelboard placement as described earlier. I knew the tunnel was holding it back from where I was confident it should be. A visit from a local British car enthusiast with incredible talents helped me identify that I could not rely on the tunnel location being correct in the car with all the work that was completed previously. With this cleared up, the grinder made an appearance again after some additional bracing and now the shell looks like this:

I re-checked my heelboard / floor / subframe alignment and clecoed it back in place. I have then re-installed everything into the shell and I'm very glad I removed the rest of the floor, now I have a clean slate to work with.

This last weekend I spent considerable time levelling the car, clamping it in place and using plumb bobs to carefully measure the new panel alignments to the factory manual dimensions.

I have managed to get the heelboard in the car perfectly square to the front tower locations. According to the manual I should be getting 1624mm between the heelboard mounting face and the front towers. My measurements are coming in at 1614mm. I am puzzled. The floor is in the car in the exact same position as the above photo with the wheel on, therefore the subframe looks like it's in the right spot. The heelboard is located on the boot floor based on the subframe. The companion bins clamp in perfectly and align exactly as expected with the heelboard. The only thing I can think of is, maybe the dimensions I've used to calculate my check distance were actually referring to the face of the trunnion, where the bottom bolt goes because that trunnion ear is 10mm.
Does anyone have any insights? Am I overthinking this?? I look forward to any feedback!