i have joined a local car club, pheonix car club, they meet at 3 different pubs locally on sundays, so having the car not working is not really good. So painting the wings etc has been on hold for now
convoy to a meet with my mate adams very tidy micra.

it is bank holiday, no meeting this weekend so ive done some on the car
i have some regassed suspension units, these are not witht he valve on them, these are as factory. If you send yours to the guy they are £30 a unit, or i have paid £200 to get some so i can swap them and post them back for the £200 if mine are good.

Fitted some shocks too

I dont know if you can see it in the pic but i have a front anti roll bar too, but i need to cast some rubber mounts for it, the ones from powerflex are like £40, and i can make them for pennies.

One thing with the car is the steering is heavy, and parking it by the gate can be hard work, especially as the wheels are further out with them being from a mgf. So i am looking into power steering from a mgf.

I have had the parts machined to weld up to make it all R100 steering wheel and storks, my mate Mike Storra [yes if you are into rallying the same one!!!] did it for me. ive welded up the standard mount to the shell with a brace, made a bracket to mount hte unit, but im still worried the torque of it will cause problems. The unit is mounted to the shell, and it turns as turnt he wheel to make the force, before all the force was from you to the rack.
I have 2 units and only today i reolised that they are different, i need to get another unit and take that apart now and finish the job off.
Wings off, as they where a different shade of red

they are painted and in the garage ready to fit tomorrow
Ive mixed some waxoil with 20/50 oil, hoping the wax oil will cling and the 20/50 will creap

I cant beleive the damage the salty roads have done to the car over winter, its not bad but its all over the car, so ill give it a quick clean and spray it all with this. It seems to do the job, its clinging to the metal really well...
more tomorrow hopefully!