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1987 Austin Metro City

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#1 the_soon_to_be


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Posted 20 September 2021 - 04:05 PM

About time I put up a tread for my little metro, there's a back story to it and how I ended up with it.
In short, it belonged to my best mate years ago and was used as my groom's car at my wedding. It was then sold and never to be seen again.

The one that got away !

Then one night on a Nightshift I decided I was going to find it, I'd always kept an eye out but this was the time. Sat on Instagram with #austinmetro I lost count of how many hours I spent search then low and behold I found her, I messaged the owner and asked if he would sell.
Unfortunately he politely declined because it was a project for him and his son.

5 or 6 weeks later he messaged me to say if I bought him another similar metro, I could get BOO back. Done !

She's needed some rewiring and welding but she's now back on the road and a rolling resto whilst I get to enjoy weekends out to beaulieu, Goodwood revival and other local classic shows.

For the time being, here's a few pics

Attached File  IMG_20210919_171537_resize_90.jpg   451.24K   2 downloadsAttached File  IMG_20210919_084729_resize_25.jpg   453.89K   3 downloadsAttached File  IMG_20210822_174341_resize_53.jpg   547.11K   1 downloads

Trialed some banded steelies, but they didn't sit right on BOO. She's always had the cosmics so they were moved on quick enough

Attached File  IMG_20210703_115308_resize_84.jpg   526.39K   6 downloads

I'll keep updated, I've got pics of the work done so far and will add them at some point.

#2 longtimenomini


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Posted 20 September 2021 - 07:34 PM

Great car

A fan of the banded steels ( maybe a bit biased) , but cosmics look good too ( had them on my first mini! )

#3 Steam


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Posted 28 January 2022 - 04:17 AM

I hated Metros when they came out.
I must say that now I actually like the shape and style.
Well done for keeping the dream alive.

#4 Rufus The Red Mini

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Posted 01 November 2023 - 02:13 PM

Just came across this post, any update?. I was lucky to keep my car in storage for 20+ years before getting it back on the road so didnt have to go looking for it.

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