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Yet Another Spi Running Rich!

Best Answer R32Egor , 26 April 2022 - 01:00 PM

Hi All,


Update - TÜV Inspection Passed and have the Typenschein for the mini (paperwork that allows the car to be registered in Austria) after 1 year and approx €1000 spent  :-)  :-)  :-)

ECU appears to working fine with Lambda going into Closed loop all the time.


I have reset the ECU again and now its just a case of paying more money to get it registered (yet another tax) and then get some KM's under the wheels and see what happens.

Yesterday was the first real drive of about 30km that the mini has done in 1 year without running very rich.


Lets see but very happy at last.


I will stop this topic now and any other issues will create new topic.

Have learnt quite a bit about the SPI injection and running during this last year and thanks for all the help.


Hope to see some of you in Italy 2023.

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#46 R32Egor


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Posted 28 June 2021 - 12:54 PM

I have checked the wiring and found nothing wrong. I moved the wiring about when measuring also and nothing changed.


I did notice something strange when i was testing though.


After running the car and at idle with the Lambda working i switched off the engine and waiting around 5 mins and turned the ignition on (no engine start) to see if the lambda sensor would read 0 (it had never done this up to this point) and it did, but as i watched and waited the mv reading would rise very slowly around 5 mv every 30 secs. I stopped watching it at around 180mv but it was still rising but it appeared to be slowing down.


I wonder if this gives anymore information? 

#47 genpop


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Posted 28 June 2021 - 05:37 PM

a non working lambda will show about 450 mV you can see that in the logfiles when closed loop is zero

#48 R32Egor


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Posted 29 June 2021 - 06:25 AM

Update -


Thermostat is an 88 Degree one - had it out yesterday.

But the coolant that looked ok and greenish Colour at top of radiator is in fact more brown than anything. Looks like a big flush of cooling system is in order.


I will keep you updated - I am still hoping another ECU will turn up in the next few days to test and then maybe can say what is wrong - ECU or Lambda sensor

#49 MatthewsDad


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Posted 29 June 2021 - 07:40 AM

Apologies if this has been mentioned earlier in the thread but if the car has been sitting for some time and you don't know when the cooling system was last flushed, the temp sensor on the inlet manifold might be clogged with gunk and giving a false reading. Worth getting the hoses off the inlet manifold and flushing the manifold. Better still remove the temp sensor but this is a bigger job.

#50 R32Egor


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Posted 29 June 2021 - 08:51 AM

i was thinking that also. Since if i put it all back together and turns out the Lambda sensor is the problem then I have to do the same again and remove inlet manifold (the lambda sensor will not come out)

#51 R32Egor


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Posted 08 July 2021 - 02:16 PM

Update -


Removed inlet manifold to clean out the water ways and removed coolant temp sensor - was a bit gunky and the coolant was flushed out brown. Cleaned everything out and also flushed the whole system with hose pipe until clear.


Removed exhaust manifold because of suspected Lambda sensor problem, found out why the sensor would not come out - looks like damaged thread. When my local garage managed to get it out the thread was damaged and we had to recut the thread M18x1.5 (if anybody is interested). Put new Original Bosch in and reassembled the engine.


Started up for warm up and re-fill of coolant - while doing this put the heater to hot to fill the heater matrix and the seal on the valve broken and of course coolant started leaking (yet another part to order and wait for).

Anyway temperature still did not get to 88 degs and Lambda sensor still not operating correctly.


Let the car cool down overnight - refilled coolant and checked with Diag not starting engine and the Lambda sensor was reading 465mv (default if problem).


Switched to an different ECU for testing and saw the same thing. Tried to start the car but did not start (probably due to my ECU being changed so the immobilizer/alarm is not needed).


Swapped back to my ECU - Started and the Lambda sensor starts working as it should everything perfect!!!!!!!!


Don't ask me what changed because as far as I can tell - nothing.


I am pretty sure that the Lambda sensor was damaged as it was completely black with rich running.


I think that some of the problems maybe earthing problems. SPROCKET wrote about this in one of his posts regarding that the Lambda sensor does not work until you put the body of it to earth.

I have cleaned all earth points but this was before i put the engine back together. I am going to attach an earth strap to the exhaust at the point it attaches to the gearbox and see if this helps at all.


Maybe somebody could do this with the high reading lambda problem straight away and see if this eliminates the problem??


SO to get mine running fully correctly now I have to 

change the heater valve 

Renew the trottle cable and the re-adjust cable position 

then set the stepper motor correctly and then I can get the emissions tested.


So time to wait for parts - that normally takes around 2 weeks from England now due to BREXIT :angry:

#52 R32Egor


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Posted 23 July 2021 - 07:29 AM

Update -


Got the parts and changed all.


Did an initial warm up (Mainly for coolant run and fill).


Did notice the the coolant temp had changed (got a reading of 87 degs at one point) and the hose coming from the thermostat got hot a lot later than the old thermostat - so i am confident that the coolant system is working correctly.


Took it for a quick spin around the block and now I have some hesitation of acceleration - so going to check out the vacuum lines again and make sure they are all fully connected (as i have had everything apart).


After that I am hoping to take it to my garage down the road and check the actual emissions at the same time - i will be able to take it for a little drive on the garage number plates before the emissions check, during this i will log the run on the mems rosco program. this will hopefully give a bit more data than the last ones.

#53 R32Egor


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Posted 06 September 2021 - 10:28 AM

Update -


Got everything working including the Lambda sensor and closed loop was very happy for about a day!


It became apparent that the Lambda sensor closed loop was only functioning intermittently.


So took the Mini to a Mini specialist garage and using the correct rover test book, setup the stepper motor correctly and also everything else was tested with the result being it found a problem with the  Oxygen sensor circuit.


It was concluded that this was probably the ECU.


So will have to wait until my other mini is sold to get funds to get this done.


As this will not be done in time for good driving weather here in Austria the car will have to get ready for winter a bit early and hopefully be fully ready for next year - looking a IMM2022 (germany) to get it ready for :-) ;D

#54 genpop


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Posted 06 September 2021 - 05:51 PM

Could you publish the latest, newest logfile, just to see what has changed.

Which lambdaprobe did you use? Was it the original bosch Nr.0258003193

#55 R32Egor


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Posted 07 September 2021 - 08:28 AM

Yes I can but will have to wait a bit as I have other more pressing work in the house to do and the wife is giving me greif for working on the mini too much.

And as there is no urgency for this year anymore.........


But I will at some point  :thumbsup:

#56 R32Egor


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Posted 31 March 2022 - 06:30 PM


Just getting the mini up and running since its spring.

I have a question that I did not find in my thread here -


What is the maximum throttle position at idle? If the throttle was above this position would this prevent the Lambda sensor going into closed loop?


At idle my position is 6%. 

#57 R32Egor


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Posted 09 April 2022 - 08:28 AM

No worries
The lambda circuit is going to closed loop so above is ok👍

#58 R32Egor


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Posted 17 April 2022 - 02:07 PM

Hi all,


I got the ECU back from ATC and this caused yet another problem - see ECU Case Live Thread.

Got it back for the second time and my initial measurements are ok.

I have a question - If everything is working as it should now - as in Lambda circuit going into closed loop as it should, Is it a good idea to reset the ECU so all of the data from running rich is erased and then it can re-learn????

The emission seem ok at the moment - would resetting change this??



#59 genpop


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Posted 17 April 2022 - 05:06 PM

Normally they reset it after repairing.If you don`t trust--reset it.As long as there is no error in memory it will re-learn itself.I haven`t senn a log-file up to now :shy:

#60 R32Egor


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Posted 22 April 2022 - 03:37 PM

HI all,


Update - Got ECU back from ATC and they said there was nothing wrong.

Tested the ECU before plugging into car and everything was now ok - No connection between case and live (pin 4) unlike before.

Tested in car and now the Closed loop is working correctly every time.


Have had the emissions checked and all is in spec :w00t:  so everything is now ready for my TUV inspection on Monday - 3rd time lucky and I have everything crossed.


But still have no idea if there was something wrong wit the ECU.

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