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Yet Another Spi Running Rich!

Best Answer R32Egor , 26 April 2022 - 01:00 PM

Hi All,


Update - TÜV Inspection Passed and have the Typenschein for the mini (paperwork that allows the car to be registered in Austria) after 1 year and approx €1000 spent  :-)  :-)  :-)

ECU appears to working fine with Lambda going into Closed loop all the time.


I have reset the ECU again and now its just a case of paying more money to get it registered (yet another tax) and then get some KM's under the wheels and see what happens.

Yesterday was the first real drive of about 30km that the mini has done in 1 year without running very rich.


Lets see but very happy at last.


I will stop this topic now and any other issues will create new topic.

Have learnt quite a bit about the SPI injection and running during this last year and thanks for all the help.


Hope to see some of you in Italy 2023.

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#31 R32Egor


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Posted 21 June 2021 - 06:22 PM



The only files saved are .csv files 

. I opened the file with wordpad and then saved it as a .txt file -hope this is ok.

The attached file is a full warmup and then a small drive around the block (I am not allowed to drive on the road as I have no austrian typenschein) .


What i saw myself -


1 - The lambda sensor is not operating correctly - it appears to change when driving or revving - downwards which is correct so i am presuming it is just blocked due to over fueling for some time.


2- during the end of warm up - suddenly there was a fault with the coolant sensor detected but temp reading was ok and i could not reset this error


3 - while revving - the MAP pressure actually goes down and does not seem to conform   to the rev change (pressure should goupwith increase in revs) during driving I am not sure what happened but did see pressure going up and down, but after driving there was then a MAP sensor error in the ECU.


Now my next job is going to check/clean the earth connections &

Check actual pressure of the Vacuum lines with a pressure gauge to see if the tubes are problem or MAP sensor.


I am trying to see if anybody has an ECU for testing purposes here in Austria (MNE101170 without alarm).


Any ideas observations that might help me??  


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#32 genpop


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Posted 21 June 2021 - 07:59 PM

This file is not logged with mems-rosco.

Sorry i can not help.

Ask James Portman it is his diagnostic tool.

#33 R32Egor


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Posted 22 June 2021 - 06:56 AM



This is the diagnostic sw i downloaded -




If this is not the correct one - which one are you referring to as I cannot find another one :thumbsup:



#34 genpop


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Posted 22 June 2021 - 09:14 AM

For handheld there are some others too. I thought you have a laptop too and you will use mems-rosco now. But

attached is a newer version of mems-rosco.Copy it to your mems-rosco directory and then rename it an exe.With this version you may analyse your csv logfiles.

Translation in other languages is not active.


Back to your logfile. This logfile is made with the engine not running therefore all parameters say nothing!


#35 genpop


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Posted 22 June 2021 - 09:17 AM

Sorry, the attachment got lost, here it is again.

#36 genpop


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Posted 22 June 2021 - 09:22 AM

The file is too big for the upload here.You may download it from github.com/leopoldg

#37 R32Egor


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Posted 22 June 2021 - 10:53 AM



I attached wrong file - see attached.


I have also found your memes-rosco software and have installed it.


Will do a similar run today after work hopefully and then attach the lofile created.


I have had a quick look at the attached file and it seems the MAP sensor is reacting in the opposite way it should do with RPM,or just very late 

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#38 genpop


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Posted 22 June 2021 - 06:05 PM

Three things what I wonder about.

First thing is  lambda status. It is zero for some time and sometimes one, as it should be.Could you check the wiring on connectivity between lambda sensor and ecu.Sometimes plugs are coroded.

Do you have the tools to easyly take the lambda probe out and have a look what type it is(partnumber).

IAC (steps) are not falling lower than 70, they should fall to about 30.Possibly someone adjusted stepper wrong.

Longtermfueltrim is minus 5, but this could be a problem caused by the owner of that programm. Normaly LTFTr is 128.If he says in his programm 128 = 100%  and the the car runs with 121,5 then it is minus5 % of 128.

If you still want to work with your mobile phone try mems-diag.

#39 R32Egor


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Posted 23 June 2021 - 06:27 AM

I have only checked the lambda sensor wiring itself (and this is good) so i will check the engine wiring loom from lambda sensor to ecu :thumbsup:


I do have the tools to take the lambda sensor out but it will not move (tried everything apart from taking manifold off and heat) - i am pretty certain it is the correct original Bosch part (i have a new one and it looks identical with the identical wiring).


I will try and do another warm up and burn around the block in the next couple of days.


Is it worth doing the stepper motor setup now or should I wait until all other problems have been fixed (lambda sensor in particular)?


I can also replace spark plugs but am reluctant to change them and then end up ruining the new ones with too rich running.


Will give me info + log file when i have it :-)

#40 genpop


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Posted 23 June 2021 - 07:00 AM

First find the fault in the wiring!

#41 R32Egor


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Posted 27 June 2021 - 08:46 AM



Finally got round to running the car for log file purposes.


I have checked the Lambda wiring and everything is correct and I could find nothing wrong (no breakage or short that I could find).


I checked all earth points and cleaned everything up (it was needed).


The log file consists of a


warm up (with 2 or 3 accelerator blips) with air filter removed (and spare air temp sensor connected and resting on what turned out to be a hot part) and Fuel trap connected and external vacuum gauge connected to test test the vacuum.   


After warm up turned of car and then installed air filter and removed fuel trap (there appeared to be a problem with it connected).


Then the second part of the log is some quick driving around the block a few times (i managed to get it into 3rd).


The whole driving was a LOT better than before with much smoother running and no bogging down under acceleration.


I have noticed in the log that the MAP is looking good now and also the Lambda sensor is working but appears to fluctuate around a higher value than 435.


I tried to read the Lambda sensor part number that is installed but cannot make it out.


I think next step is to get actual emissions reading.


Obviously have ordered new fuel trap.


Any comments on log file would be greatly appreciated


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#42 genpop


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Posted 27 June 2021 - 09:25 AM

Doesn`t look too bad now.But Stepper is still over 70 when idling.This should be  lower than 40.

Why does the car take so long to get hot? Is the thermostat working well ,is it a 88 degree one?

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#43 genpop


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Posted 28 June 2021 - 08:46 AM

I had a further look to your logfile and realized that lambda status still has some interuptions.This is not normal,there must be a break in the wiring, lambda sensor is defekt or ecu is defekt.

#44 R32Egor


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Posted 28 June 2021 - 10:06 AM

OK I have some more questions -


1 - Stepper motor - How do you set this up correctly? I have searched for a procedure on this but could not find anything definitive.

I know you set the accelerator Cable/ lost motion link as per the Haynes manual.

But then from this point how do you correct the stepper motor setting? I presume it is setup with a hot engine.


2 - Do not know about the thermostat as it is purchased. Is it a problem if the temp is just below the 88 degrees or is this temperature critical (above 88 degrees) to the correct runnning of the engine?


3 - What do you mean by interruptions? Is it the closed loop status or actual voltage reading? My understanding is that the closed loop is only working when at idle or constant cruise speed, and driving driving closed loop is not used. Is this correct understanding?


Thanks for the advice/help

#45 genpop


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Posted 28 June 2021 - 11:16 AM

point1: https://memsfcr.co.u...-stepper-motor/ or you need a testbook which will set the stepper automaticaly.

point2: it is very important. only three bolts and you have the thermostat in your hands.On top it is engraved at which temperature it will open.( it will work).This log was made with mems-rosco ,under options you may set the temperature to Celsius too.


from 16:23:08 until 16:31:27 lambda status is zero

As long as lambda status is zero, the ecu does not recognice the lambda sensor to be present.Thats why  i  told you to check the wiring in a former post..

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