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Yet Another Spi Running Rich!

Best Answer R32Egor , 26 April 2022 - 01:00 PM

Hi All,


Update - TÜV Inspection Passed and have the Typenschein for the mini (paperwork that allows the car to be registered in Austria) after 1 year and approx €1000 spent  :-)  :-)  :-)

ECU appears to working fine with Lambda going into Closed loop all the time.


I have reset the ECU again and now its just a case of paying more money to get it registered (yet another tax) and then get some KM's under the wheels and see what happens.

Yesterday was the first real drive of about 30km that the mini has done in 1 year without running very rich.


Lets see but very happy at last.


I will stop this topic now and any other issues will create new topic.

Have learnt quite a bit about the SPI injection and running during this last year and thanks for all the help.


Hope to see some of you in Italy 2023.

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#16 tmsmini


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Posted 16 June 2021 - 03:06 PM

I have little experience with SPi, but it looks to me like the throttle is being measured as more open at warm idle than it should.



Perhaps this is correct as I do not have an SPi to check. As you indicated, the lost motion adjustment and the stepper may need attention.

Swapping the lambda sesnor is always a pain even on the MPi where you can almost get to it. It would be worth getting it swapped.

#17 genpop


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Posted 16 June 2021 - 04:04 PM

Leave the sensor where it is, usually the fault is somewhere else. For example, has the engine installed a tuning kit? Map at idle should be below 30 - 35 for you, coiltime usually 2500ms. Have you ever determined the fuel pressure? Is the gas trap OK? Take another diagnostic software like mems-scan, mems-rosco or mems-analyzer. Less but more important values are displayed, such as idle base, which is too high for you. Have you already been able to check the lambda probe heating? For example there is a relay in the main relay box, does it work? Your battery voltage is below 13 volts, should  be 14.6? Many parameters that I would check first!

Reset ecu and do a new logfile.Post it here.

#18 R32Egor


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Posted 17 June 2021 - 08:34 AM

So update

While thinking about what could cause high lambda readings(apart from broken sensor)
All sensors working correctly could only be Map sensor - looked at vacuum tubes again and noticed my replement(not original) tubes had collapsed. Changed them to some more rigid tubing. Did some more warm-up testing.
The motor seems to run better and idle can be maintained at 850 rpm no problem - no hunting or anything but still lambda reading too high and no fluctuations.
If I rev engine to 3000rpm (simulating emissions test) the MAP pressure only increases slightly is the because there is no load on the engine or should I see a change? If so what kind of pressure would be expected?

#19 R32Egor


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Posted 17 June 2021 - 08:37 AM

Lambda heater relay working
Relay box all working - presume inlet heater is working as heat up is very fast

#20 genpop


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Posted 17 June 2021 - 11:00 AM

Attached a graph of a working mini.Black line belongs to the right axes it is rpm and blue line is map, belongs to left y axis.Attached File  alex.JPG   23.23K   4 downloads

#21 R32Egor


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Posted 17 June 2021 - 01:38 PM

Is the graph while actually driving or just revving while standing still?

#22 R32Egor


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Posted 17 June 2021 - 04:28 PM

So today performed the accelerator cable lost motion link adjustment again - it was slightly out of position.
Also took out ECU and performed the map clean out with cotton and place in sun for a few hours.
Did see some black stuff but not anything major.
Plugged back in and started normal heat up was normal lambda sensor did same thing.
What I did notice(that I haven't noticed before) is closed loop - was false all the time until I blipped the throttle and suddenly the closed loop changed to true and the lambda started changing about.
Took it for a very quick round the block drive and saw lambda fluctuating and map also changing
Back to idle and it is maintaining 850 rpm and lambda still working.
It was running a bit rough but this could be crazy huge exhaust after cat.
Next job tomorrow is to replace crazy exhaust with complete standard rear exhaust and see what happens after this👍
At least a bit of optimism👍👍

#23 genpop


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Posted 17 June 2021 - 06:27 PM

Graph is from driving,would be the same when standing still and reving up.

#24 R32Egor


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Posted 18 June 2021 - 03:47 PM


Seemslike the MAP sensor is not changing as it should do. when revving at 3000 rpm the pressure still stays around idle pressure and even goes down slightly, if you drive then the pressure changes every now and then.


Can anybody tell me when the ECU changes state from closed loop - false to - true?

#25 genpop


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Posted 18 June 2021 - 05:15 PM

Have you checked the fuel trap?Closed loop depends on different parameters like map, iac,rpm,watertemp and last not least fluctuating lambda voltage.If all these parameters fit together the ecu says closed loop "Regelkreis geschlossen". Can you post an other logfile done with the mentioned diagnose tools.

#26 R32Egor


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Posted 19 June 2021 - 02:51 PM

Hi got MEMS-ROSCO working.

Will do a warm up run and see what I can see!

I have connected it quick and it already said there was a problem with O2 sensor in the warnings area.


Genpop - what would you recommend i do now?


Is there data I can save and send or is it just screenshots?


I basically think there is a problem with the O2 sensor and the MAP sensor. 

The MAP sensor reads correct at idle - 35

when blipping accelerator then the MAP changes and increases but if you hold it at 3000rpm the MAP sensor stays the same and actually goes down to around 28??????

#27 sonscar


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Posted 19 June 2021 - 03:01 PM

With the engine not working very hard free revving the MAP is likely to be low as the throttle is almost closed.It uses the vacuum in the manifold as a measure of how hard the engine is working.Get a vacuum tester,connect it to the pipe and compare readings will prove the sensor accuracy/function.
Have you had the tailpipe emissions checked?Closed loop may apply to a quite restricted range of operating conditions.
Is the engine in good mechanical health?Frustrating,but you will prevail,Steve..

#28 genpop


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Posted 19 June 2021 - 07:13 PM

Is there data I can save and send or is it just screenshots?


on the firtst tab you can start logging, log file will be saved in /mems-rosco/logs.

There is a pdf file under mems-rosco.Have a look to it.

When you do a logfile.Switch on ignition without starting.Now connect to the ecu and start logging. Do some steps on the gas pedal (This will show if the throttle pot works well)Now start the engine and drive until engine has about 90 degrees centigrade.It wlll be a *.txt file what you can analyze directly afterwards with readlog and what you can post here.

#29 R32Egor


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Posted 21 June 2021 - 05:19 PM

I found only the .csv files but cannot post here.

How can I post them here? 

#30 genpop


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Posted 21 June 2021 - 05:28 PM

mems-rosco is writing *.txt files but you can read csv files too.You may post them  when you choose more reply options on bottom right. Now you have the possibility to attach files.Search it on your system and then attach it. Thousands of users could manage this, you can can do it as well.

Do you have more results?


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