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Yet Another Spi Running Rich!

Best Answer R32Egor , 26 April 2022 - 01:00 PM

Hi All,


Update - TÜV Inspection Passed and have the Typenschein for the mini (paperwork that allows the car to be registered in Austria) after 1 year and approx €1000 spent  :-)  :-)  :-)

ECU appears to working fine with Lambda going into Closed loop all the time.


I have reset the ECU again and now its just a case of paying more money to get it registered (yet another tax) and then get some KM's under the wheels and see what happens.

Yesterday was the first real drive of about 30km that the mini has done in 1 year without running very rich.


Lets see but very happy at last.


I will stop this topic now and any other issues will create new topic.

Have learnt quite a bit about the SPI injection and running during this last year and thanks for all the help.


Hope to see some of you in Italy 2023.

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#61 R32Egor


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Posted 26 April 2022 - 01:00 PM   Best Answer

Hi All,


Update - TÜV Inspection Passed and have the Typenschein for the mini (paperwork that allows the car to be registered in Austria) after 1 year and approx €1000 spent  :-)  :-)  :-)

ECU appears to working fine with Lambda going into Closed loop all the time.


I have reset the ECU again and now its just a case of paying more money to get it registered (yet another tax) and then get some KM's under the wheels and see what happens.

Yesterday was the first real drive of about 30km that the mini has done in 1 year without running very rich.


Lets see but very happy at last.


I will stop this topic now and any other issues will create new topic.

Have learnt quite a bit about the SPI injection and running during this last year and thanks for all the help.


Hope to see some of you in Italy 2023.

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