It looked quite nice. Unfortunately it didn't run, the clutch was stuck and the brakes didn't work well either. Putting a battery on revealed about 50% of the lights worked.
The more I dug into the car the more I realised it's quite the project. Here are a few of the things I found. Missing seams on the front wings -
Holes in the front floors/sills under a lot of Duct tape and sound deadening.
A compression test revealed very little on one cylinder so the head is now off too. Found a cracked in half exhaust manifold too.
So the strip down began, I've started with the trim and getting the engine stripped ready to remove. I've also started ordering the rather long list of parts.
This is how the car sits at the moment-
Plans...lots! Colour change, 7.5" brakes, a few cheeky mods etc. I'd like to get it solid first!
Edited by Phil998, 25 March 2021 - 07:13 PM.