So this morning's progress. Jacked it up a bit higher to get underneath her. Fuel pump and fuel lines have a fair bit of rust on them. I'll leave those to the pros.
The minor wee blemishes on the underside I was going to rub back a bit further, treat with Owatrol, etch prime, stone chip and then top coat. Not intending being too fussy at this stage, from what I am uncovering I'm starting to appreciate what people mean when they say "it's a mini" in regards to rust- on going project/investment. So want to get the sills etc sorted and back on the road for a summer of fun rather than tackle everything I uncover now. Sort out more issues next winter, enjoy over summer, repeat etc etc Yes might pay twice etc but bought it to enjoy it!
Started stripping the passenger side sill. It hadn't been touch previous apart from a repair at the flitch and the heelboard. Again I knew there were repairs needed in the footwell from looking at it on the inside...
So the inner sill is definitely shot on this side. Will cut a bit out of the way for my own noseyness tomorrow but as stated previously I'll leave it to the pros to fix it.
Also took some photos of the drivers front. Top of the flitch where it meets the A Frame will need addressed at some stage as will the bit in the last pic mounting the arch to the bulkhead (excuse lack of terminology...newb)
Hopefully local auto supplies are open tomorrow to get more fine wire brushes for the grinder and some more flappy discs! They didn't last too long with the Waxoil (I know see why my mechanic doesn't like the stuff! Plus it was hiding a multitude of sins from previous owners!)
Thanks again- also sorry the pictures are at the bottom of the posts and not through the thread- haven't figured that bit out yet!