I went 'shopping' this morning for a few bits for the Mini.
The owner was breaking this Mini and it was reasonable close to me, so I decided to go and get a couple of panels. The roof is in very good condition, with a couple of small dents but no rust whatsoever.
I also took a cut on the back seat panel, as it is quite rusty on my car. This one comes with the brackets for the rear seat belts. I was going to upgrade my car to have rear seat belts anyway, so at least one thing less to worry about.
Everything loaded up and back home.
The rear seat panel is in good condition with no rust. I would need to remove the spot welds, but other than that it should be quite straighforward.
I put the roof inside the box I got with the boot floor and put it in the garage until I decide what to do with it...
I will continue working on the floors, then wheel arches (tops), quarter panels and rear panel. Then moving to the front and the last thing will be the roof. So that box is likely to stay there for a good couple of years...
More updates soon.