Morning all...... I'm currently rebuilding a 1275 engine to transplant into my 998 mini. I've been trying to narrow down it's age, to help with the timing settings, etc but so far the best I can manage is "maybe early 70's".
The engine prefix is 12H159C, and all the online resources say this is from an ADO16, which makes sense - it came with a remote gearbox, which I've swapped for a rod-change to match my car.
However..... here's the confusing bit - from what I've read, the early ADO16 engines were "12G", a de-tuned Cooper engine, and the later ones were "12H"..... BUT these 12H engines were (I believe) 11-stud, while mine's only got 9
Could this be from some other related vehicle? Maybe an Allegro or Marina (post-ADO16)???
Any help narrowing down it's birthday is greatly appreciated!