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Metro Turbo Parts

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#1 Avtovaz


    One Carb Or Two?

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Posted 20 July 2020 - 06:50 PM

i have got a metro turbo carb, its apparently been reconned not that long ago, but looks to be in really good condition.


metro turbo plenum in grey, used but in good condition


metro turbo inlet manifold in average condition


garret 1544 turbo new the one they use for the small turbo conversions.



Just wondered what its all worth now, as i may sell it .



#2 Globule


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Posted 20 July 2020 - 07:59 PM

If your going for eBay  I would say around 40-50 for the inlet, 50 for the plenum (unless its the montego one), the carb is a bit hit and miss if you cannot say it has been reconditioned for sure and how long ago but around 1-120 maybe if it looks decent. It's eBay though, can be much more or can not sell for months! Clean everything up and it will go for 10% more...

No idea on the turbo i'm afraid, GT1752 is the most common GT one used really from my experience

Edited by Globule, 20 July 2020 - 08:00 PM.

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