Its time to start fitting the new arch tubs.
Before I begin, I want to replace this stiffener

Here is the new one bolted to the floor for a reference point

Now I offer the new tub into the hole.

At this stage, I am looking for fit and anywhere that needs adjustment. I also take some measurements to make sure the height and general position is correct.

Some slight moving around and adjustment of the height, and I'm happy
I marked up the welding positions and cleaned and prepped the new tub for fitting

And then refitted it rechecking the measurements and clamping it securely

And then spot weld the arch lips together

Then plug weld the tub to the stiffener behind the rear bulkhead

Inside the boot, I pop a slug of weld on to secure the stiffener to the tub.

I shall spot weld the stiffener fully to the tub once the floor is out of the way
Last thing is to plug weld the end of the bulkhead and back edge of the rear bin to the tub

And that is one tub fitted. Its welded in more than enough to hold its position firmly so once I have the other tub in, I can cut the floor out and use the tubs as reference points to line up the new boot floor correctly.