Mot for this one is on Friday so I want to finish up the last few little bits.
First niggle was the riv nuts for the boot lid cable had twisted out of its hole.

Old one removed and new one installed

Next I installed a boot lid liner board

Now I need a spare wheel for it.
I picked the best of the original steel wheels from the car

Then sandblasted it and painted it black

And then refitted the tyre

And then popped it in the boot with the tool kit

For some reason the camera makes the tyre look brown...
Had a few running issues which was diagnosed as the jet so I ordered a new one bit couldn't fit it as it was binding on the original jet bearing.
Luckily, i managed to track down a NOS bearing kit locally so that was fitted

And now it's running well.

Thats about it so I made a start kn the polishing
