Hi all.
I've been pottering on this one in the background.
The interior is now pretty much finished now that the seats are back from trimming.
The rear cards went in with some sound deadening behind.

Then the rear bench

Then the front seats.

And door cards

Then the bonnet went on

I had to replace the main left fuel tank unfortunately as the pickup in the original was blocked solid so it was only feeding from the right tank.
Here is the petrol going back in after fitting

Next, I wanted to fit the rest of the front end but decided to run the engine up first, check the timing and adjust the mixture etc.
Sadly, I noticed a coolant leak in a place I really didn't want to see one.
Can you see where this is going?

Yep, the headgasket was leaking.
I have now fitted a new copper one

And built it back up

It's now running again and no more leak.
Now I can finally finish up the front end

The finishing list is now getting very small.