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1996 Rover Mini Equinox - Valuation

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#1 MiniMadNox


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Posted 29 June 2020 - 04:07 PM

Hi All,


I'm looking to see what my mini is currently worth, just need a rough budget figure before i decide to sell this summer.


It's my first ever car and will be hard to sell, but as I’ve just bought my first house I need the funds. I've owned it nearly 10 years now and was used as a daily driver for 2/3 years. I now only use every now and then on weekends.


It is Rover Mini Equinox 1996 1.3 SPI, 85k mileage, MOT until Novemeber 2020. Runs and starts with no problems at all very reliable.


The car has been kept mainly to its original specification with a few removable modifications such as alloy wheels and exhaust system. (Only 250 produced in Amaranth)


I have had quite a bit of work done to the car since ownership including:


  • New Front end (replaced in 2013 with heritage panels)
  • New Back End (below read window) replaced in 2016, Including rear subframe, heritage panels.
  • Front track rod ends replaced
  • Front brake pads replaced
  • Rack gators replaced
  • Vacuum pipes replaced
  • Battery replaced a few years ago


There are a few areas that i would like to highlight:

  • There is slight rust in typical areas, scuttle, rear quarters, jacking points.
  • The Fuel gauge is temperamental
  • Theres a rip on the side of  the drivers seat. (seems to be a common occurance on the seats)


I’ve tried my best to get as much of the usual areas in the photos as I want to be completely honest about the car.


The mini has been on 4 L2B runs, and has even made the front cover of the programme!


Pictures say a thousand words so below are some photos. (I will try and get more photos)


Let me know on what people thoughts are.




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#2 beardylondon


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Posted 29 June 2020 - 04:59 PM

I would say somewhere between £5k - £6.5k in normal times. If you have all receipts/invoices which can prove all the work you have mentioned that has carried out by a reputable garage, that will help it's value.

#3 MiniMadNox


    Previously known as minimad1992

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Posted 30 June 2020 - 09:51 AM

Thank you for the above! does anyone else have an idea? Agree with the above valuation?



#4 viz139


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Posted 01 July 2020 - 09:26 AM

I have a similar Equinox in Silver with a few more mods and would think same as above. I prefare the Ameranth myself , it may be just the photos but the colour doesn't look quite right on your car. Was the whole car resprayed when you got the work done? 

#5 beardylondon


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Posted 01 July 2020 - 09:43 PM

I think some of those photos have a filter applied, or wrong white balance perhaps.

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