Here's a few sets I have to hand
The top 2 sets are early sets and were also fitted to our locally assembled Clubman GT, which was essentially a Cooper S in a Clumban Body shell, quite different to the (UK) 1275GT, though these were fitted to the 1275GT to (as best I can determine) 1975.
The lower set was fitted to the 1275GT from 1975 to (as best I can determine) the end of their production.
The speedos were 120 MPH / 200 kph. As far as I know, they were all dual scale.
The Tachos from 1969 to 75 were redlined at 6500 RPM however from 1975 on, this was reduced to 6000 RPM as per this lower set. Note too, the Fuel and Temp Gauges have 'red' zones on these later gauges.
Other differences are the early types had a screw on speedo cable, and later they changed to a clip on type.
Also around 1974 - 75 (?) the Tachos were changed from an RVI to a RVC type.