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SPi Code Reader

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#61 l_bratch


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 03:09 PM

The ACR4 *does* adjust the stepper - i used one for years and it worked a treat... though you have to use the right pod... Rover 3 IIRC.

That's potentially great news. The only problem is I've never found anything other than Rover pod 1 and 2 for sale (which are definitely no help for stepper adjustment on a >1993 SPI). I'll have to have another look now that I've been given a little hope though...

I now have pod 3, and it can indeed tune the stepper on >1993 SPIs.

Edited by l_bratch, 13 March 2011 - 02:03 PM.

#62 icklemini


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 03:43 PM

Go for a rover 4 pod and with the right harness you can do MPi minis as well.. (including airbag)

#63 tmsmini


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Posted 23 August 2010 - 09:06 PM

Thanks for updating the thread Dave-Icklemini

#64 Hamstein


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Posted 26 October 2010 - 11:13 PM

Hi, I'm new on here, but for anybody in the North Yorkshire area. - We have a SnapOn 'brick' diagnostic scanner, which will read the ecu on Spi Minis, ( I've just today bought the cable to suit them, as I recently bought an Spi mini! ) It can do all relay tests, adjust stepper motor, and cancel fault codes etc. ( I've used my mini to experiment! Ooops! :thumbsup: )

This isn't meant to be an advert by the way! But you will need to know where we're at! So.....

Fresh Creation Paintwork
9-13 Gladstone Lane
YO12 7BP

We'll be pleased to see any mini owners who care to visit, as we have a soft spot for minis! :thumbsup:

#65 toplessmini


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Posted 06 March 2011 - 09:20 PM

So the ACR4 seems to be the weapon of choise. I don't think i can afford around £300 for one for my MPI so can any one tell me what else works on the MPI?

Many thanks :D

#66 Guest_minidizzy_*

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Posted 07 March 2011 - 01:42 AM

i do not think you can get anything that is currently made that you can use with a Mini except the ACR4. eBay is your best bet for a bargain and the ACR4 comes up much more frequently than Crypton or Snap-on. You will also need a Rover pod, ideally v4, which seems quite scarce, but I think v3 will also work except for the airbag. I have both but I have never tried v3 on my MPi. I have only had the kit for a few weeks (from eBay). There is a v5 but that has no extra benefit and is likely to be expensive. You will also need a harness. Fortunately the MPi has the 16pin standard EOBD. The official harness for Rover is 30214000 but needs modification for the Mini. The universal harness 30212400 works better. I have both. The current universal harness is 30214600 but again is likely to be expensive and has no extra benefit for a system from the 90s.
I am just a beginner in this and there are others here who know a great deal more than me.

#67 l_bratch


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Posted 13 March 2011 - 02:01 PM

FYI, I now have Rover pod 3 too, so I now have an ACR4 and Rover pods 1, 2 and 3.

If anybody in Jersey wants to pop around to make use of them, they're more than welcome. With Pod 3 I can do stepper motor tuning on post '93 SPIs, so in total I think I can now do everything!

Edited by l_bratch, 13 March 2011 - 02:01 PM.

#68 minis-miami


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Posted 17 March 2011 - 05:44 PM

Didn't know where to mention this but if anyone near me has an Spi, 91 to 96, and has problems with it and suspects it is a sensor, I have a code reader/reset and will always test the ECU,(free) if you PM me. I use it on our Race Minis.

I live in Miami Florida USA. I have the reader but don't have the codes. Can you help. We ahve several SPI and MPI but can't get the problems when we put the reader.
Minis-Miami (Sergio)

#69 Guest_minidizzy_*

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 01:17 AM

I live in Miami Florida USA. I have the reader but don't have the codes. Can you help. We ahve several SPI and MPI but can't get the problems when we put the reader.
Minis-Miami (Sergio)

I have never found anything published or on the internet about faults codes, not even in the official workshop manuals. People on this and other forums mention fault codes they have found on their code readers but disappointingly never reveal what they are.
However as far as I can tell when trying out my new Sykes Pickavant ACR4 code reader it seems to give all the information anyway. I found three faults on mine.
The full text in the display was:
02 coolant temperature sensor circuit – logged - sensor output voltage too low
11 battery voltage - logged - output voltage too low
02 coolant temperature sensor circuit - logged - sensor output voltage too high

It also gives component information from all seven (MPi) sensors as well as RPM, battery voltage, coil charge times, injector pulse widths and stepper position
I think this is because all the software is included in the Rover v4 pod that I plug into the ACR4. I am very new to this.

Are you using the same device or a different one?

#70 mattw92


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Posted 25 December 2011 - 08:57 PM

right so these readers are quite costly is there a computerised version that can be obtained to use on a 1996 1.3 SPI ?

as i dont want to keep going down to the next town to get my cat tested everytime somthing goes wrong :P

or if not can some one make more sense for me if they dont mind of whats been said in the past as i dont understand a thing of whats been said. I know ignorant as hell!:P

#71 icklemini


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 11:04 PM

right so these readers are quite costly

Not really - if its just for the mini you can get the bits for around 100 notes...

is there a computerised version that can be obtained to use on a 1996 1.3 SPI ?


can some one make more sense for me if they dont mind of whats been said in the past as i dont understand a thing of whats been said.

what you confused with?

#72 joemackmia


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Posted 01 January 2012 - 10:52 PM

Who is the manufacturer of the ACT1 main module and where can I get the Rover MEMS ASC3 card and Cable assembly ASA003?
I tried e-bay and Google but under the name listed above I did not find anything. Also what would the price range be?

Thank you very much

#73 Sprocket


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Posted 02 January 2012 - 12:13 AM

Who is the manufacturer of the ACT1 main module and where can I get the Rover MEMS ASC3 card and Cable assembly ASA003?
I tried e-bay and Google but under the name listed above I did not find anything. Also what would the price range be?

Thank you very much


#74 mattw92


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 12:49 AM

right so these readers are quite costly

Not really - if its just for the mini you can get the bits for around 100 notes...

is there a computerised version that can be obtained to use on a 1996 1.3 SPI ?


can some one make more sense for me if they dont mind of whats been said in the past as i dont understand a thing of whats been said.

what you confused with?

point me to the stuff for £100 :P i dont understand what im looking for :P and good i had an argument with my bro about the computer based dignostics i didnt think you could, im confused with all the differnt numbers and that i mean what go where which is what and who lol just to meny codes and product names to place them together in my head. i just want to find out what connectors are needed with what machines and which machines are best for the job :P

#75 Guest_minidizzy_*

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 02:23 AM

For an SPi you could use the following combination:
Sykes Pickavant ACR4 code reader
Rover v3 pod 30350800 (eg eBay item no. 310246510038)
Rover Harness 30211600 (eg eBay item no. 150701198140)

The prices on the eBay items I quoted are for new although they are probably old stock. At present there are no used items on eBay but they do turn up regularly.

The pod contains Rover diagnostic software. You do not need to interpret codes as the information is explained in the readings.

There is very useful information by a forum member at www.tmsmini.com/cooper/sp_acr.htm

The code reader does not need to be connected to a computer.

As well as identifying faults the code reader gives component information from all sensors as well as RPM, battery voltage, coil charge times, injector pulse widths and stepper position.

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