SPi Code Reader
Posted 05 July 2007 - 11:09 PM
Posted 01 August 2007 - 09:21 PM
Any idee's???
Posted 08 August 2007 - 05:33 PM
Posted 13 August 2007 - 03:01 AM
I have a Mini 1000 that I've converted to Spi. I purchased a crash damaged Spi Paul Smith Edition from Japan and transplanted all the bits into my Mini 1000. Just a quick question, this engine does not use a distributor but uses a coil pack.So does that mean this is a OBD spec engine as there is also an OBD type connector under the dash,plus it has an airbag steering wheel.If I'm not wrong,the Paul Smith Editions were on sale from 1998? Any information will be helpful.Thanks in advance !
Posted 05 September 2007 - 10:29 PM
wish you lived closer to me, having probs with ruby, crazy idle speed, will a rolling road sort it out mate?Didn't know where to mention this but if anyone near me has an Spi, 91 to 96, and has problems with it and suspects it is a sensor, I have a code reader/reset and will always test the ECU,(free) if you PM me. I use it on our Race Minis.
Posted 07 November 2007 - 11:40 AM
I am not sure how much they are new but I got mine for about £50 on ebay, most at that time were selling for £60 - £70 though
Hey, I looked on ebay and couldn't find one, but i dont really know what i'm looking for. Unless it says "for rover spi mini" i'm not sure which code reader i need.. Can anyone help me with this....
Posted 18 January 2008 - 04:48 PM
wish you lived closer to me, having probs with ruby, crazy idle speed, will a rolling road sort it out mate?Didn't know where to mention this but if anyone near me has an Spi, 91 to 96, and has problems with it and suspects it is a sensor, I have a code reader/reset and will always test the ECU,(free) if you PM me. I use it on our Race Minis.
I think your temp sensor located at the intake manifold giving you the problem. These sensor control your idle speed, I think.
Edited by ICAM, 18 January 2008 - 04:48 PM.
Posted 24 January 2008 - 07:10 PM
With a list of the components needed to read an SPi: cable, card and reader?
Here is the info for SP ACR
Part Number:Product Name Price
30055400: ACR4 Code Reader £435.56
30214000: Rover 16 Pin Harness Mpi £75.00
30350800: Rover Pod £92.99
30211600: Rover Harness Spi £55.42
Prices are new prices. Other older pods will work on just SPi and older cables will work on MPi also.
These show up on eBay on a regular basis.
Posted 24 January 2008 - 08:52 PM
Posted 25 January 2008 - 07:36 PM
Do you have the part numbers for the ACT components?I have an ACT with all the manuals.... if anyone needs info PM me and Ill try to help..... I have the manuals and cables for Rover MEMS stuff and loads of other modles
If some one is looking on eBay, it is helpful to know the specific parts numbers needed. There seems to be several ACT readers (I, II, III), just like there are different versions of pods for the ACR2 and ACR4
Posted 30 January 2008 - 12:03 PM
In addition to the ACT 1 unit itself, you need what Crypton describe as their ASK-3 Kit. Essentially, this kit basically comprises of a Lead (No. ASA003) and a Card (No. ASC3).
Edited by FlyingScot, 23 June 2014 - 07:16 PM.
Incorrect info on MPi
Posted 02 February 2008 - 08:49 PM
ACT has the following modules and cables
ACT1 main module
Rover MEMS ASC3 card
Cable assembly ASA003
Covers everything I need and has real time data and can reset ECU...Tune stepper and idle air.... In fact everything I need to keep my SPi in good nick ECU wise.... the mechanical stuff is up to me and my grazed knuckles....lol
Posted 06 February 2008 - 06:17 PM
Yes you can get them, they are of the OBD type. Sykes Pickavant ACR have a pod for the OBD Rovers as do most of the other big name service tools, IE Snapoff.
I'm thinking of getting a fault code reader for my MPI, what would I be looking for in one?
What's the difference between OBD and OBD2?
I'm guesing they're completely different?
Posted 26 March 2008 - 10:33 PM
It's all *@#~+=&%$ to me????????
But seriously, does anyone know of someone with "Fault Code Diagnosis" equipment for the MPi in the East Midlands area (J20 of M1)??
Confused of Lutterworth

Posted 04 June 2008 - 08:27 PM
yep - me (J16 of m1)But seriously, does anyone know of someone with "Fault Code Diagnosis" equipment for the MPi in the East Midlands area (J20 of M1)??
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