25th Jan 2004 ( stafford )
Started by
, Dec 29 2003 05:30 PM
25 replies to this topic
Posted 14 January 2004 - 03:37 PM
MINIACS heard that name before was they at tha penkridge mini day

Posted 14 January 2004 - 05:51 PM
You guys have fun. 25 Jan is my birthday.
Posted 14 January 2004 - 05:54 PM
If I get the V5 back for Beny intime will take him down,failing that will drag the wifes car out and use that.Hope to see some of you down there,do we wear a carnation or something to identify ourselve,s

Posted 14 January 2004 - 08:47 PM
We could all arange to meet at noon at the heritage stand (or somwhere else some other time)
Posted 14 January 2004 - 09:27 PM
well im the one in the black mini in the prowd owners part,
look out for a old man.....my dad ill be there with my friend

Posted 14 January 2004 - 09:35 PM
MINIACS heard that name before was they at tha penkridge mini day
i think there are a few different miniacs, we checked on "da net" before we chose our name and couldnt find a club just called miniacs, theres a highland miniacs and a something else miniacs. we are just miniacs. but miniworld printed us as miniacs of enfield. this is untrue as one member lives in kent and another in edmonton... we havent been at a show as MINIACS yet, we just ponce around fixing minis and driving in a line and stuff. occasionsl visits to the ace cafe mod n mini night, but if i can get them all to come this will be our first meet where all our members are present!
Posted 20 January 2004 - 09:53 PM
If you want to arrange a meet at the show , PM me and i will give you my mobile number ,See you there 
There will be 4/5 of us from North Wales going
A couple of undecided

There will be 4/5 of us from North Wales going

A couple of undecided

Posted 20 January 2004 - 11:11 PM
im deffo goin so ill look out 4 peps
im gonna try and get there early

Posted 09 February 2004 - 10:08 PM
i was there with 4 other minis from grimsby(in a convoy), i no its a bit l8 now but i have a few pics(they r abit dark) that i cud put up if i new how to host.
Posted 09 February 2004 - 10:56 PM
yeh, was there with flappy, good day, enjoyed it. i`d put my pics up, but as above, i dont know how or where to host my pics
Posted 09 February 2004 - 11:45 PM
if you use the gallery we have on here then you can host your pics in there (if your not sure how to use the gallery then there is a post in genral chat tellin u how to up load your pictures)
A link to the gallery can be found on the main forum page
A link to the gallery can be found on the main forum page
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