So I have successfully stripped my Gearbox (as in taken it apart) and once it's all cleaned up I'll be rebuilding it.
1. Oil or Lube - When building the Gearbox should I use Engine Build Lube on all the gears / bearings or Engine Oil?
2. Fitting the Double Roller and 1st Motion Bearing - what is the correct way to fit these two main bearings, having watched the MiniMania series of videos in this one he punches them in with a large steel punch and hammer. He is rather heavy handed in all of his videos but should they be fitted this way or pressed in somehow? If punched in, he punches the inner part of the bearing - is this correct?
3. Securing The Idler Bearing - In a thread I found on here somewhere, advises using Loctite on the Idler Bearing as they have a tendency to wander. What type of Loctite? (I have Loctite 243 IIRC)