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I Have An Issue

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#1 juricks


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Posted 10 February 2020 - 02:49 PM

Afternoon all,
I have an issue with my spotlights and hoping someone can (pardon the pun) shed some light on it.
I installed my spotlights a year ago and up until now I have had them connected via a switch to operate them. Today I thought that I would wire them up properly so they are switched on via with the main beam using a signal from the blue/white wire to the relay.
The issue I have is that when I switch the main beam off the spotlights stay on. Having checked the blue/white wire there appears to be around 4-5 volts running through it even when the man beam is off. Would this cause the issue? If so how can I work around it?
All wiring is correctly connected.
Thanks in advance


#2 sonikk4


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Posted 10 February 2020 - 05:16 PM

Please you ensure you post your questions in the right part of the forum.

I have moved this particular question to the correct area. You stand a far better chance of getting an answer to your question by doing this.

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